Πέρα από το πόση δύναμη εξακολουθεί να έχει το τραγούδι αυτό, πέρα από το ειρηνιστικό του μήνυμα [κυκλοφορημένο αμέσως μετά τον Πόλεμο των 6 Ημερών, είχε απαγορευτεί ως φιλο-εβραϊκό σε όλες τις αραβικές χώρες] η “πικρή” διαπίστωση αφορά στο τι σήμαινε η λέξη “επιτυχία” τη συγκεκριμένη περίοδο, και τι στις μέρες μας. Ο Salvatore Adamo, ο αειθαλής Βέλγος singer-songwriter, είναι σήμερα 80 ετών.

Apart from the power this song holds, apart from its message of peace [released right after the
Six-Day War, it was banned as pro-Jewish in all Arab countries], the “bitter” realization has to do with what the word “hit” meant in this particular era, and what it means nowadays. Salvatore Adamo, the ever-green Belgian singer-songwriter, is 80 years old today.

I saw the East in its case
with the moon for a banner
and I counted on a quatrain in which
to sing its light to the world.
But when I saw Jerusalem
a poppy on a rock
I heard a requiem
when I leant over it.
Don’t you see, humble chapel,
you who whisper “Peace on Earth.”
That the birds hide with their wings
these fiery letters: “Danger: frontier.”?
The path leads to the fountain
you may want to refill your bucket.
Stop there, Mary-Magdalen,
for them, your body is worth less than the water.
God willing, God willing, God willing, God willing
And the olive tree mourns its shadow,
its tender spouse, its friend,
who lie beneath the rubble,
prisoners in enemy territory.
On the spike of barbed wire
the butterfly lies in wait for the rose;
the people are so scatter-brained
that they will reject me, if I dare.
God of hell or God of heaven
you who are where to you it seems good
in this land of Israel
there are children trembling.
God willing, God willing, God willing, God willing
The women fall under the storm.
Tomorrow the blood will be washed away.
The road is made with courage,
one woman for one paving stone.
But of course, I’ve seen Jerusalem
a poppy on a rock
I always hear a requiem
while I am leant over it.
Requiem for six million souls
who don’t have their marble mausoleum
and who, in spite of the infamous sand,
have made six million trees grow.
God willing, God willing, God willing, God willing

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  1. Laura Bloomsbury October 13, 2023 at 11:36 am

    Lovely lyrics but so much easier said or sung than done when you live there

  2. Liz Gauffreau October 13, 2023 at 1:30 pm

    That was a very powerful performance.

    1. Oannes October 13, 2023 at 1:36 pm

      I heard this a lot as a kid in the ’70s. One of the high lights of my career as a radio listener. The ever coming cello in the end of the melody was particularly moving.
      Thank you Liz!

      1. Liz Gauffreau October 13, 2023 at 2:08 pm

        You’re welcome! I agree with you about the cello.

  3. EMMANOUEL October 13, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Αναρωτιεμαι τι θα ελεγαν οι Lennon / Mc Carttney για τραγουδια σαν αυτο .. Ανεπαναληπτο πραγματικα ..

    1. Oannes October 13, 2023 at 5:44 pm

      Αποκλείεται να μην τους άρεσε. Είναι γνωστό ότι άκουγαν αβέρτα, αντίθετα με πολλούς του επαγγέλματος που, από μια στιγμή και μετά κλείνονται στο μουσικό τους κόσμο. Ο κυρ-Λέννον συνέχισε να ακούει πολλά και διάφορα, εξ ου ίσως η σόλο καριέρα του υπήρξε πολύ πιο ενδιαφέρουσα από εκείνην του “sir”.


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