Σαν σήμερα, 22 Μαρτίου 1948 γεννήθηκε ο Andrew Lloyd Webber, ένας από τους πιο επιτυχημένους συνθέτες των τελευταίων 50 χρόνων. Από την τεράστια παραγωγή του, διαλέγουμε ένα έργο που αναδεικνύει τις ικανότητες του σε ένα ιδίωμα με απαιτήσεις πολύ μεγαλύτερες από αυτές ενός musical. Ο Webber έγραψε το Requiem στα μέσα της δεκατίας του ’80 αφιερώνοντάς το στη μνήμη του πατέρα του. Ακούμε: Requiem & Kyrie, Recordare, Offertorium
On this date, 22 March 1948, Andrew Lloyd Webber, one of the most prominent composers of the last 50 years was born. From his enormous production we chose a work presenting him as a fully accomplished artist, in a form much more demanding than the musical. Webber wrote the Requiem in the middle ’80s, in memory of his recently deceased father. The parts we pick: Requiem & Kyrie, Recordare, Offertorium

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Not my fave of his work. However, he is indeed very talented and I do love his much of his work with Tim Rice.
My favorite work of his is Jesus Christ Superstar! I ‘m a big ALW fan, but sometimes he’s becoming too clean-cut for me. Thanks a lot!