Ένα τραγούδι των They Might Be Giants απ’ τα middle ’90s, προς τιμήν του ενός ημίσεός τους, John Linnell – ενός ακόμα μέλους του κλαμπ των μουσικών του Ιουνίου. Τον ακούμε και τον βλέπουμε στην video version του “No One Knows My Plan” από το άλμπουμ τους John Henry.

A song by They Might Be Giants from the mid-’90s, in honor of one half of them, John Linnell – another member of the June Musicians’ Club. We hear him and see him on the video version of “No One Knows My Plan” from their album John Henry.

In my prison cell I think these words
I was careless I can see that now
I must be silent
Must contain my secret smile
I want to tell you
You my mirror
You my iron bars
When I made a shadow on my window shade
They called the police and testified
But they’re like the people chained up in the cave
In the allegory of the people in the cave by the Greek guy
No one understands
No one knows my plan
Why the dancing, shouting
Why the shrieks of pain
The lovely music
Why the smell of burning autumn leaves
No one understands
No one knows my plan
Why the dancing, shouting
Why the shrieks of pain
The lovely music
Why the smell of burning autumn leaves
In my prison cell I bide my time
Always thinking
Always busy cooking up an angle
Working on the tiny blueprint of the angle
Sketching out the burning autumn leaves
No one understands
No one knows my plan
I must be silent, must contain my secret smile I want to tell you
You my mirror
You my iron bars
No one understands
No one knows my plan

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  1. Resa June 27, 2023 at 11:30 pm

    That was fun. I thought of “Touch Me” by “The Doors” when it started.

    1. Oannes June 28, 2023 at 7:51 am

      Me too! This seems to be the song’s “prototype”. But it’s fun alright.

      1. Resa June 28, 2023 at 7:11 pm



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