Η συμβολή του stcigar στο Θεοδωρακικό tribute : η ιστορική διασκευή των Walkabouts στο τραγούδι “Το Τραίνο Φεύγει στις Οκτώ”. Από το ομώνυμό τους άλμπουμ που κυκλοφόρησε το 2000.
A historic cover of the Theodorakis’ song by the Walkabouts. “Train Leaves At Eight”, stcigar’s contribution to the tribute. From their titular album, released in 2000.
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Nice piece. Does the train leave on time? I remember a friend who was in Russia told me this story about waiting for a train. The train was running 24 hours late. He went to the ticket booth and asked what could be done, he needed to leave today. The woman told him there were still seats available on yesterday’s train.
I had a similar experience with a boat in the surrealistic island of Lemnos, back in the late ’80s. I go buy a ticket and I ask the agent “when does it leave”. “I don’t know” he says. “What do you mean you don’t know” I answer back. “I mean I don’t know when it arrives to begin with”. “So what am I supposed to do, sit here all day waiting?” “Well, that’s what everybody does”, he says. After 2 or 3 hours, the ship appears from a distance. I turn on the other side to look for something, and before a minute passing [so It seemed anyway], I hear the sound of the anchor. The ship had docked already. I get in, I leave my baggage on a chair, I take a look around and get on the deck. Only to see the island of Lemnos moving away fast-backwards. The ship had already sailed. Never been on this time – distorting means of transport again, but I remember its name : “Sporades”.
That’s a great story and a perfect name for the transport.
I could extent it to a little novel. The trip was equally surrealistic! and so was the end of the story : years after that, I was talking with a guy who happened to know the particular ship. And he told me about the glorious ending of its notorious career in the Aegean : the ship – owners set the damn thing on fire to collect the insurance.
Sometimes trips just go that way. At least you get great stories. Going down in flames seems appropriate.
This surprised me; I was moved by it, especially with the video! I’m growing melancholy as I get older 🤔
One does not have to “suffer” from melancholy to enjoy a melancholic song.😊
I like this very much! As Ashley noted, I’m growing melancholy as I get older.
Maybe it’s not getting older, maybe it’s just the state we’re in these days – no sign of hope on the horizon. And the worst is yet to come.
You’re probably right about that. The state of the world is looking pretty hopeless
This is lush and bittersweet. I love it!