Μια από τις λιγότερο “αυστηρά” μίνιμαλ δημιουργίες του Steve Reich, είναι το θρησκευτικών προσανατολισμών Tehillim του 1981 – μελοποίηση σειράς Ψαλμών, με τον συνθέτη αναβαπτιζόμενο στις εβραϊκές του ρίζες.
Γραμμένο για 4 γυναικείες φωνές και ορχηστρικό σύνολο, είναι ένα από τα πιο ενδιαφέροντα έργα του κατά την άποψη μου – ακούμε το
3ο και 4ο μέρος.

One of
Steve Reich’s less “strictly” minimal creations is the 1981 religiously oriented Tehillim – setting to music of a series of Psalms, the composer been rebaptized into his Jewish roots.
Written for 4 female voices and orchestral ensemble, it is one of his most interesting works in my opinion – we listen to the
3rd and 4th parts.

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  1. Ken Powell October 8, 2023 at 6:36 pm

    Great stuff from Reich! I am an oddity but I have never heard a piece of his that I DON’T like. All his music appeals to me for some reason.

    1. Oannes October 8, 2023 at 6:55 pm

      I don’t think you’re an oddity at all. I “discovered” minimalism myself at 14, without having heard of the term or any of the masters’ work. I just used to repeat certain phrases on my mandolin, feeling this certain excitement which led to my personal motto : “repetition brings ecstasy”. To my peers, I suppose, that was an …oddity. 😊

  2. Resa October 9, 2023 at 11:37 pm

    That was different, interesting. Yes, it is appealing. I’m not sure if I have the right word, but childlike/innocent comes to mind. Thank you!


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