Πρώτο άλμπουμ των Santana με τον έξοχο κιμπορντίστα Tom Coster, όπως και με τους Richard Kermode [keyboards] και Leon Thomas [φωνή]. Με guests όπως ο John McLaughlin και η Alice Coltrane, το jazz-latin-funk προδιαγραφών Welcome είναι ένα και από τα πιο φιλόδοξα που έχει κυκλοφορήσει το γκρουπ. Ακούμε δυο κομμάτια από αυτό, συνδημιουργίες του Carlos.

Santana’s first album with the brilliant keyboardist Tom Coster, as well as with Richard Kermode [keyboards] and Leon Thomas [voice]. Featuring guests like John McLaughlin and Alice Coltrane, the jazz-latin-funk oriented Welcome is one of the most ambitious ever released by the band. We hear two tracks from it, co-created by Carlos.

All the people I knew
Seem to have become one
And that one is you
In your hands
I find myself growing
To be near my eternal goal
You are the sun, air and soil
Helping grow
Life has found a way
At last showing me the true light
And that light is you
In your hands
I find myself glowing
And embracing my eternal goal
You are the sun, moon and stars
Helping glow

Love devotion surrender
If you’re tired of walkin around and getting nowhere
I know there’s a path that’s leading towards the master
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Oh brother listen to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Its keeping time with all the universal children
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Sister sing the song created for your brother
Louder till the (your) heart embraces all the harmony
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender
Love devotion and surrender

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1 Comment

  1. Resa August 4, 2023 at 8:53 pm

    It is ambitious, with rewards. Thank you for this!


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