Σύνθεση του θρυλικού οργανίστα των Procol Harum, Matthew Fisher, από το A Salty Dog, το θαλασσινό τους άλμπουμ. Σε στίχους όπως πάντα του Keith Reid – ο τίτλος παραπέμπει στο ποίημα του Henry W. Longfellow [1842]. Το στιγμιότυπο της συνύπαρξης ροκ γκρουπ – συμφωνικής ορχήστρας σ’ αυτό το αριστούργημα παραμένει αξεπέραστο.
O Matthew Fisher ανήκει στον κύκλο των γεννημένων Μάρτιο μουσικών.
Composed by the legendary Matthew Fisher, Procol Harum’s organ player, from A Salty Dog, their sea album. Lyrics as always by Keith Reid – the title refers to Henry W. Longfellow’s poem [1842]. The rock-group-meets-symphony-orchestra moment on this masterpiece remains unsurpassed.
Matthew Fisher belongs to the circle of March-born musicians.

We’ll hoist a hand, becalmed upon a troubled sea
‘Make haste to your funeral,’ cries the Valkyrie
We’ll hoist a hand or drown amidst this stormy sea
’Here lies a coffin,’ cries the cemetery, it calls to me
And all for nothing quite in vain was hope forever tossed
No thoughts explained, no moments gained, all hope forever lost
One moment’s space, one moment’s final fall from grace
Burnt by fire, blind in sight, lost in ire
We’ll hoist a hand, becalmed upon a troubled sea
I fear a mighty wave is threatening me
We’ll hoist a hand, or drown amidst this stormy sea
‘Come follow after,’ cry the humble, ‘You will surely see …’
But still for nothing quite in vain was hope forever tossed
No moments gained, no thoughts explained, all hope forever lost
One moment’s space, one moment’s final fall from grace
Burnt by fire, blind in sight, lost in ire
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