Το επόμενο κομμάτι του σημερινού αφιερώματος προέρχεται από το άλμπουμ – breakthrough των Βρετανών conspiracy theorists στις ΗΠΑ, Black Holes And Revelations του 2006. Οι Muse υπήρξαν εξ αρχής και εξακολουθούν να είναι ένα από τα ελάχιστα ροκ σχήματα που συνδυάζουν mainstream απήχηση και πολιτικό λόγο με ψήγματα φερεγγυότητας.

Next track of today’s tribute comes from British conspiracy theorists’ 2006 album
Black Holes And Revelations, their commercial breakthrough in the US.
Muse have been from the start and continue to be one of the very few rock outfits which combine mainstream appeal and politics with
shreds of credibility.

Open the skies over me
I am waiting patiently
I’ll wait for a sign
As conspiracy unwind
Will you slam shut or free your mind?
Or stay hypnotized
When the Zetas fill the skies
Will our leaders tell us why
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds
I’m waiting patiently
And I’ll wait for the sign
Carried through the centuries
Secrets locked up
Are loaded on my back
And it weighs me down
When the Zetas fill the skies
It’s just our leaders in disguise
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds
I’m waiting patiently
And I’ll wait for the sign
I’m waiting patiently
And I’ll wait for the sign

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