Η άρια κονσέρτου είναι σύνθεση για τραγουδιστή και ορχήστρα, προορισμένη να παρουσιάζεται αυτόνομα στo πλαίσιο μιας συναυλίας ή ενός ρεσιτάλ.
Η κορυφαία αυστρο-αγγλικής καταγωγής σοπράνο
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf τραγουδά την έξοχη κονσέρτο άρια “Ch’io mi scordi di te? … Non temer, amato bene” K. 505, του τιμώμενου συνθέτη μας.

Concert aria is a composition for singer and orchestra, written to be performed autonomously in the context of a concert or a recital.
Prominent Austro-British soprano
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf sings the splendid concert aria “Ch’io mi scordi di te; … Non temer, amato bene”, K. 505, by our honored composer.

Ch’io mi scordi di te?
Che a lui mi doni puoi consigliarmi?
E puoi voler che in vita?
Ah no! Sarebbe il viver mio di morte assai peggior.
Venga la morte, intrepida l’attendo.
Ma, ch’io possa struggermi ad altra face,
Ad altr’oggetto donar gl’affeti miei, come tentarlo?
Ah, di dolor morrei!
Non temer, amato bene,
Per te sempre il cor sarà.
Più non reggo a tante pene,
L’alma mia mancando va.
Tu sospiri? O duol funesto!
Pensa almen, che istante è questo!
Non mi posso, oh Dio! spiegar.
Stelle barbare, stelle spietate,
Perché mai tanto rigor?
Alme belle, che vedete
Le mie pene in tal momento,
Dite voi, s’egual tormento
Può soffrir un fido cor?

You ask that I forget you?
You can advise me to give myself to him?
And this while yet I live?
Ah no! My life would be far worse than death!
Let death come, I await it fearlessly.
But how could I attempt to warm myself to another flame,
to lavish my affections on another?
Ah! I should die of grief!
 Fear nothing, my beloved,
my heart will always be yours.
I can no longer suffer such distress,
my spirit fails me.
You sigh? O mournful sorrow!
Just think what a moment this is!
O God! I cannot express myself.
 Barbarous stars, pitiless stars,
why are you so stern?
Fair souls who see
my sufferings at such a moment,
tell me if a faithful heart
could suffer such torment?

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  1. Resa January 29, 2024 at 11:38 pm

    Fantastic. What a song (aria)! What a voice! Thank you!
    Hmm, am I allowed to call an aria, a song?

    1. Oannes January 30, 2024 at 9:40 am

      It is a concert aria, which makes it an autonomous composition [not a part of an opera] to be presented in the context of a singer’s recital or as a “filler” [if one can use the term] in a concert with other, larger scale works.
      Thank you Resa!


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