Από το ομώνυμο άλμπουμ του Morrissey, κυκλοφορημένο εννέα χρόνια πριν. Δεν χρειάζεται να επαναλάβω την αδυναμία μου σ’ αυτό τον άνθρωπο, ούτε τους λόγους για τους οποίους την έχω.
Μια παρατήρηση μόνο σε ένα απ’ τους στίχους : Ψηφίσεις δεν ψηφίσεις, η διαδικασία
είναι “αυτοϋποστηριζόμενη”.

title track from the album Morissey released nine years ago. I don’t need to talk again about my affinity for this person, nor the reasons why I have it.
Just a note on one of the lines : Vote or no vote, the process is “self supported”.

World peace is none of your business
You must not tamper with arrangements
Work hard and sweetly pay your taxes
Never asking what for
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool
World peace is none of your business
Police will stun you with their stun guns
Or they’ll disable you with tasers
That’s what Government’s for
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool
World peace is none of your business
So would you, kindly keep your nose out
The rich must profit and get richer
And the poor must stay poor
Oh oh, you poor little fool
Oh oh, you fool
Each time you vote, you support the process
Each time you vote, you support the process
Each time you vote, you support the process
Brazil, Bahrain, Egypt, Ukraine
So many people in pain
No more you poor little fools
No more you fool

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  1. Sue Dreamwalker October 10, 2023 at 6:50 pm

    “Each time you vote, you support the process
    Brazil, Bahrain, Egypt, Ukraine
    So many people in pain
    No more you poor little fools
    No more you fool “…..

    It’s never been more obvious.. votes never count.. My hubby voted all his life, He has said No more is he voting.. All parties under the same umbrella , Wait till we ALL say.. .No More you Fool… ‘

    You are picking some great pieces with wise words.. 🙂

    1. Oannes October 10, 2023 at 7:07 pm

      It’s been almost 30 years since I last voted. Problem is, abstention doesn’t affect the …process. You can’t win with these people.
      Thank you Sue!

      1. Sue Dreamwalker October 10, 2023 at 7:13 pm

        Exactly, No you can’t Oannes… Its all rigged… Governments do not support their people and ‘they’ now, more than ever, think THEY are rulers over us.. We give our power away all the time to such organisations ..
        Thank You Oannes..

  2. Liz Gauffreau October 10, 2023 at 9:51 pm

    This song is very, very dark. I wish I could say unjustifiably so, but I can’t.

    1. Oannes October 10, 2023 at 10:04 pm

      I wish I could say I don’t agree with you Liz.

  3. Resa October 16, 2023 at 3:43 am

    A harsh and true message.

    It’s great that there are thinkers putting message into their music.
    Was John Lennon assassinated because his message of peace was getting through to masses?
    I’ve always thought so.
    I’m expressly enjoying your song choices most recently. They are timely.


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