Ένα out take από το άλμπουμ Blues For The White Nigger που κυκλοφορήσαμε το 2011 η Μαρίνα Καναβάκη και εγώ, ως MK-O. Τις επόμενες μέρες θα ανεβάσω όλα τα κομμάτια του άλμπουμ.
An out take from the album Blues For The White Nigger, which Marina Kanavaki and I released in 2011, as MK-O. In the following days I ‘ll post all tracks of the album.
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Wonderful piece. Love your music.
Thank you very much Tim!
Very nice.
Thank you Trent! I ‘ve tried leaving a comment on ‘Celebrate Life’, but Word Press won’t recognise me!😯😦😡 Anyway, I leave it here : “Joyful, with a touch of Ian Dury!”
Love this LOTS! So, your birthday month?
Sure. And next one is Marina’s. Thank you for taking notice of it!
YAY!!! 2 months of MK-O.