Δυο κομμάτια από το φετινό άλμπουμ της avant garde / jazz κιθαρίστριας & συνθέτριας Mary Halvorson, μιας από τις πιο σημαντικές φωνές της γενιάς της – εδώ με τις συστάσεις ενός παλιού μας φίλου.
Two pieces from this year’s album by the avant garde / jazz guitarist – composer Mary Halvorson, one of the most significant voices of her generation – here being introduced to us by an old friend…
The band:
Maria Grand – tenor saxophone, voice
Adam O’Farrill – trumpet
Mary Halvorson – guitar
Michael Formanek – bass
Tomas Fujiwara – drums
Amirtha Kidambi, Robert Wyatt – voice

Smell of grease and mint
Glissando, female laughter
Thirsty one spinning tops
Gold outline of her neck
Crimped at its deepest plastic
As cartoon backdrop
Lemon trees darkening
Wish-bones bit from a life
Private crisis of the now
These indolent visions, parched
Orange head secretes a lie above you
Sentencing the lacquered sky above you
Reflected in your stretched out hand in hand
Trees-to-logs cartwheel and die above you
Fluster of sailboats chop half-speed upon
Rose leather ocean, fake dry, above you
A coy curtsying earthquake kneels the ground
Yo-yo-ing trees liquefy above you
Well, now it’s your house, set neatly on fire
Its blistering heart bloats high above you
Atrophied crucibles, charrеd Russian dolls
A necklace of flames comply abovе you
Politely uproot the moon-trampled sea
A starlit sigh, sewn awry, above you
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New to me, and great. Thank you for the introduction!
It’s comforting somehow that youn can find some interesting new voices, especcially in jazz and electronics. My current mood is to focus a little bit more on that. Thank you!
Sounds like a good mood!