Ο Marilyn Manson, μου είναι περισσότερο ενδιαφέρων για τα εικαστικά του. Ιδίως τα βίντεο, τα οποία δίπλα στη σοκαριστική, άρτια αισθητικά παράμετρο, περιέχουν πλήθος κρυπτικών αναφορών. Δεν παραλείπει βέβαια να προσφέρει κάποιες δυνατές μουσικές συγκινήσεις. Οι τελευταίες σπάνια αφορούν τα “χιτ” της καριέρας του. Ένα από τα αγαπημένα μου τραγούδια του MM είναι αυτό, από το δεύτερό του άλμπουμ, Antichrist Superstar.

To me, the most interesting thing about Marilyn Manson is his visuals. Especially his videos which, apart from the shock element and the high aesthetics, contain a myriad cryptic references. He doesn’t fail though to offer some strong musical emotions. Not by accident, they rarely relate to the “hits” of his career. One of my favorites is this one from his second album, Antichrist Superstar.

Hey mister superstar
“I’ll do anyhting for you”
Hey mister superstar
“I’m your number one fan”
Hey mister porno star I, I, I, I want you
Hey mister sickly star
“I want to get sick from you”
Hey mister fallen star
“Don’t you know I worship you?”
Hey mister big rock star
“I wanna grow up just like you”
I know that I can turn you on
I wish I could just turn you off
I never wanted this
Hey mister superhate
“I just want to love you”
Hey, hey, hey mister superfuck
“I wanna go down on you”
Hey mister supergod
“Will you answer my prayers?”
Hey, hey, hey mister superman
“I want to be your little girl”
I know that I can turn you on
I wish I could just turn you off
I never wanted this
I know that I can turn you
I wish I could just turn you
I never wanted any of this
I know that I can turn you
I wish I could just turn you
I never never never never never never wanted this
Hey mister superstar,
“I’ll kill myself for you”
Hey mister superstar
“I’ll kill you if I can’t have you”
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby
Superstar, superfuck baby

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1 Comment

  1. Resa April 23, 2022 at 12:18 am

    This is pretty great!
    Okay, I never listened to Marilyn Manson.
    Somehow, my knickers got in a knot, because of the name.
    I thought Charles Manson… no one should use that name..
    AND Marilyn Monroe…. How dare he put her name with that murderer’s name.

    Well, just being honest.


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