Μια ιδέα του επιπέδου δημιουργικότητας του Ian Anderson στα ’70s, παίρνει κανείς απ’ το ότι είχε την πολυτέλεια να αφήνει εκτός άλμπουμ ένα τραγούδι όπως αυτό εδώ.
‘A Stitch In Time’ ηχογραφήθηκε το 1979, στη διάρκεια των sessions για το Stormwatch.
An idea of
Ian Anderson’s level of creativity in the ’70s comes from the fact that he could afford to leave a song like this one off the album.
‘A Stitch In Time’ was recorded in 1979, during the Stormwatch sessions.

I work in dark factories, a cog in the big wheel
Driving gray satanic mills and weaving sad stories
And faceless masters, oh, they pay me plenty
Crumbs from their luncheon packs
Harsh wine from bottles half empty
“A stitch in time saves nine”
Said Cock Robin from the wall
It’s an early bird catches the worm
Show a little pride before you fall
So I flew to the south sun with birds of a feather
To drink in the warm nights and tell of fine weather
A stitch in time saves nine
Listen all you young folk, your lives on a timetable
Clocking on twenty-one, fly while you’re able
A stitch in time saves nine

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  1. Liz Gauffreau August 5, 2023 at 7:21 pm

    This one sounded album-worthy to me!

    1. Oannes August 5, 2023 at 7:49 pm

      It’s my all-time favorite “unknown” JT song!

  2. Resa August 11, 2023 at 3:13 am

    Great!!!! Thank you!


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