Θυμάμαι τον ενθουσιασμό μου στο άκουσμα του Felt Mountain [2000], πρώτου άλμπουμ των Goldfrapp [Alison Goldfrapp – φωνητικά, keyboards, Will Gregory – keyboards] για τον μελωδικό πλούτο, την εξευγενισμένη χρήση των ηλεκτρονικών και την Morricone εκπορεύσεως κινηματογραφική του ambience. [μπορεί κανείς να ακούσει ένα κομμάτι από αυτό εδώ].
Από το δεύτερό τους ήδη,
Black Cherry, τρία χρόνια αργότερα η έμφαση θα αρχίσει να μετατοπίζεται στην dance παράμετρο η οποία σιγά σιγά γίνεται κυρίαρχη..
Ακούμε το ομώνυμο κομμάτι από αυτό το άλμπουμ – κοντά στον original ήχο τους. Η Alison Goldfrapp ανήκει στο “κλαμπ” του μήνα.

I remember my excitement at hearing
Felt Mountain [2000], Goldfrapp’s debut album [Alison Goldfrapp – vocals, keyboards, Will Gregory – keyboards] for its melodic abundance and refined use of electronics, along with its Morricone oriented cinematic ambience [there’s a song from it here].
Starting from their second album,
Black Cherry, three years later, the emphasis began to shift to the dance parameter, which gradually became dominant.
We hear the title track from this album – close to their original sound. Alison Goldfrapp belongs to this month’s “club”.

How can it be?
I can taste you now
How can I see
When you’re everything
All my world in one grain of sand
And I’ve blown it
All my world in one grain of sand
And you own it
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Hearing you say it
I could die
Trembling star
Just reminds me
All my world in one grain of sand
And I’ve blown it
All my world in one grain of sand
And you own it
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Excite me, ignite me
Oh and you know,
I miss you, I kiss you
Oh and you know
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Black cherry
Excite me, ignite me
Oh and you know,
I miss you, I kiss you
Oh and you know

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  1. Resa May 29, 2023 at 10:49 pm

    Most enjoyable. This is new to me. Shades of

  2. Resa May 29, 2023 at 10:50 pm

    Uch… somehow posted before I finished… Shades of Kate Bush, but not as delicate!

  3. Ken Powell June 13, 2023 at 5:08 pm

    Goldfrapp – both the band and the woman – are my secret ‘pot noodle’ (if I may borrow from the adverts a few years ago!). I can’t get enough of any of her music, she’s divine herself, but no one I know rates her music highly at all – they find it too weird. So, like a horny teenager, I enjoy her in my room all on my own 😀 😀


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