Διακόπτουμε το “Farewell to Summer” project για προχτεσινή “παρέμβαση” του Eric Clapton. Ναι, μιλάει για την κορωνο-εμβολιοπαράνοια που …πρέπει να σταματήσει.
Τιμή και δόξα!
We interrupt our “Farewell to Summer” project for this interference by
Eric Clapton. Yes, he sings about the covid-vaccine paranoia, that …has gotta stop.

This has gotta stop
Enough is enoughI
I can’t take this BS any longer
It’s gone far enough
if you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door
I knew that something was going on wrong
When you started laying down the law
I can’t move my hands
Ι break out in sweat
I wanna cry
Can’t take it anymore
This has gotta stop
Enough is enoughI
can’t take this BS any longer
It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door
I’ve been around
Long long time
Seen it all
And I’m used to being free
I know who I am
Try to do what’s right
So lock me up and throw away the key
This has gotta stop
Enough is enough
I can’t take this BS any longer
It’s gone far enough
If you wanna claim my soul
You’ll have to come and break down this door
Thinkin’ of my kids
What’s left for them
And then what’s coming down the road
The light in the tunnel
Could be the southbound train
Lord, please help them with their load
This has gotta stop

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  1. Ashley August 30, 2021 at 1:31 pm


  2. Resa August 31, 2021 at 4:11 am

    It’s okay, but I find it feeble.
    Musically, not up to his snuff. Beyond that I’m biased by some of his politics that I disagree with.
    I may be reading the message wrong.

  3. Timothy Price August 31, 2021 at 6:31 am

    Excellent protest song. People started getting upset over my covid parodies and songs. What’s funny is that I was simply taking the propaganda our governess was throwing at us and putting it to music. They weren’t all my words, and people got bend out of shape. When it’s given to them out of the context and admiration for our governess, who I think is a fool, then other people find her words foolish too, but blame me. I don’t follow news close enough. Has the cancel culture gone after Eric Clapton?

    1. Oannes August 31, 2021 at 7:42 am

      Not yet, I think, but I would worry if I was him, about the Blind Faith cover [I ‘m writing something about it right now] considering the fact that the underwater baby from the Nevermind cover, 30 + years now, is suing Nirvana for child pornography!

      1. Timothy Price August 31, 2021 at 7:46 am

        What? Things are way out of hand.

        1. Oannes August 31, 2021 at 9:07 am


  4. Pingback: BLIND FAITH ...NIRVANA etc. - OANNES

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