Δύο από τα τρία τραγούδια που ο Donovan ηχογράφησε με τους Jeff Βeck Group [Beck, Wood, Waller] εν έτει 1969. Το ‘Barabajagal’ – 00:00, κυκλοφόρησε με το ομώνυμό του άλμπουμ της ίδιας χρονιάς. Τα άλλα δυο [‘Trudi’, ‘Stromberg Twins’ – 03:27] περίμεναν την remastered επανέκδοση του 2005 για να εκδοθούν.

Two of the three songs
Donovan recorded with Jeff Beck Group [Beck, Wood, Waller] in 1969. ‘Barabajagal’ – 00:00 was released with his self-titled album of the same year. The other two, ‘Trudi’, ‘Stromberg Twins’ – 03:27, had to wait for the 2005 remastered reissue to be released.

She came, she came to meet a man
She found an angel
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
He very wise in the herbal lore
Has got your cure, now
She came, she came to free the pain
With his wildflower
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Fine, fine, fine, fine celandine
He prepared for her
Tea, tea, tea, tea to make her free
While incense burned
In love pool eyes
Float feathers after the struggle
The hopes burst and shot joy
All through the mind
Sorrow more distant than a star
Multi-color run down over your body
Then the liquid passing all into all
(Love is hot, love is hot)
Love is hot, truth is molten
True, true, true, true the song he sang her
While the leaves cooked
Ting, ting, tiny little bell he rang her
Sleepily, she looked
He filled, he filled a leather cup
Holding her gaze
She took, she took a little sip
While this song he sang
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was his name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, was my name, was my name
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now, now, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Eh-de-de-dah, oh, was my name
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now, yeah
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Did you get that, did you get that, now?
Goo-goo, goo-goo, Barabajagal
Was my name, now

I’m going grooving with the Stromberg Twins
They’re such a couple of scenes
I’m going grooving with the Stromberg Twins
Such a good, good team
From Frisco to Monterrey
As appears, the people say
“He’s going grooving with the Stromberg Twins
Such a lucky guy”
I’m sitting driving in the new stretch pants
Coca-Cola, yeah
Shalalala, dooby duwa dooby
Coca-Cola, yeah
From Malibu to L.A.
You can hear the people say
“There goes the kid with the Stromberg Twins
Such a lucky guy”
OK, twins
“There goes the kid with the Stromberg Twins
He’s such a lucky guy”
No, I can’t make it with the Stromberg Twins
They make another scene
Crew cut and tight knickerbockers
Ah, but does the queen?
From the draft board to the surf board
I will make my care away
I don’t know more making with the Stromberg Twins
They’re Jewish anyway
She’s the girl with white […], smile!
From Malibu to L.A.
You can hear those people say
“Well, there goes the kid with the Stromberg Twins”
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah!
One more time, yeah, go, go!
From […] to Carnegie
You can hear the people say
“There goes the kid with the Stromberg Twins
He’s such a luck, lucky guy”

(Visited 453 times, 1 visits today)

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  1. willowdot21 January 14, 2023 at 4:14 pm

    I loved Geoff Beck, I saw him in the Yardbirds in 1966 and again a few years later in Greenford I don’t remember who he was with.
    A favourite track of mine is Rolling and Tumbling

  2. Resa January 14, 2023 at 9:25 pm

    Enjoyed this a lot! No mistaking Donovan’s voice and vocal style. I did not know these 2 played together.


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