Ο Charles Mingus [1922-1979], συνθέτης, μπασίστας, band leader και μια από τις σημαντικότερες φυσιογνωμίες στην ιστορία της jazz, είναι φυσικά από τους επιφανέστερους του April born club. Η μουσική του, για μεσαίου κυρίως μεγέθους σύνολα, κρατώντας την ορμητικότητα του hard bop – ρεύματος της εποχής – αντλεί από την παράδοση της Νέας Ορελάνης [στο πρότυπο εκείνης ο Mingus ενθάρρυνε τον ομαδικό αυτοσχεδιασμό], αλλά και από τα blues, τα gospel, την κλασική και το third stream. Πέρα από το μουσικό ταλέντο, ο Mingus έμεινε στην ιστορία για την υπερευαισθησία του στο φυλετικό ζήτημα και για το εκρηκτικά βίαιο ταμπεραμέντο του.
τρία κομμάτια από τρία άλμπουμ του.

Composer, bassist and bandleader Charles Mingus [1922-1979] is one of the most significant figures in jazz history, and one of the most prominent of the April born club. His music, mostly for midsize ensembles, keeping a hard bop drive, draws from the tradition of New Orleans [Mingus was a proponent of group improvisation], and also from blues, gospel, classical and third stream. Apart from his extraordinary talent, Mingus was noted for his hypersensitivity to the racial issue, and his explosively violent temperament.
We hear
three tracks from three of his albums.

00:00 Better Git It in Your Soul 7:29 Devil Woman 17:13 Solo Dancer

MINGUS AH HUM [1959] John Handy – alto sax, clarinet, tenor sax. Booker Ervin – tenor sax. Shafi Hadi – tenor sax, alto sax. Willie Dennis – trombone. Jimmy Knepper – trombone. Horace Parlan – piano. Charles Mingus – bass, piano. Dannie Richmond – drums
OH YEAH [1962] Charles Mingus – bass, piano. Rahsaan Roland Kirk – flute, siren, tenor saxophone, manzello, strich. Booker Ervin – tenor saxophone. Jimmy Knepper – trombone. Doug Watkins – bass. Dannie Richmond – drums
THE BLACK SAINT AND THE SINNER LADY [1963] Charles Mingus – double bass, piano, composer. Jerome Richardson – soprano and baritone saxophone, flute. Charlie Mariano – alto saxophone. Dick Hafer – tenor saxophone, flute. Rolf Ericson – trumpet. Richard Williams – trumpet. Quentin Jackson – trombone. Don Butterfield – tuba, contrabass trombone. Jackie Byard – piano. Jay Berliner – classical guitar. Dannie Richmond – drums

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  1. Resa April 29, 2023 at 2:48 am

    Fab! Love, love the firs piece. He must have influenced many.

    1. Oannes April 29, 2023 at 7:21 am

      You can say that again! There’s even a Joni Mitchell album of Mingus compositions [“Mingus”, 1979]

      1. Resa April 29, 2023 at 6:25 pm

        I did not know that! I must hear that. Have you podcast any?

        1. Oannes April 29, 2023 at 7:05 pm

          No, but I will gladly make one especially for you next week!

          1. Resa April 29, 2023 at 9:09 pm



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