Σαν σήμερα, 8 Μαρτίου 1714 γεννήθηκε ο σημαντικός συνθέτης Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, ο πιο ταλαντούχος απ΄τους γιους του Johann Sebastian. Διασημότερος στην εποχή του απ’ τον “συντηρητικό πατέρα”, σημειώνει μια απομάκρυνση από το σύμπαν του μπαρόκ, υιοθετώντας ένα στιλ προσωπικό, ευαίσθητο και με έντονες δυναμικές. Έγραψε κυρίως οργανική μουσική: συμφωνίες, κονσέρτα για διάφορα όργανα, κουαρτέτα και σονάτες. Από τον Heinz Holliger και μέλη της English Chamber Orchestra ακούμε το Solo για Όμποε και Κοντίνουο σε σολ ελάσονα.
On this date, March 8 1714 the important composer Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was born. He was the most talented of Johann Sebastian‘s sons. More famous than the “conservative father,” in his time, he distances himself from the baroque universe, adopting a personal, sensitive and more intensely dynamic style. His works are mostly instrumental: symphonies, concertos for various instruments, quartets and sonatas. We hear the Solo for Oboe and Continuo in G minor. On the oboe, Heinz Holliger, accompanied by members of the English Chamber Orchestra.
Τα μέρη / The parts: I. Adagio II. Allegro III. Vivace

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The oboe is a pretty thing!
Never heard Bach before, that I know of. Thank you for continuing to add to my education of classic music.
I always read your notes.
When I see the years of the births, my mind is blown. Music is … an audio archeological site that one can dig forever.
This was the great Johann Sebastian Bach’s prodigal son.
With all this coronavirus thing [among others, especially here in Greece], I must suspend the “days of birth” schedule for a while, I suppose I’ ll put on whatever helps me feel a little bit better – and hopefully other people too. Things are getting very depressing.
Thanks a lot Resa!