Μετά τον “θεό” Tom Jones, από την ίδια εποχή, τα χρυσά ’60s, ο χλιαρούλης στα όρια του υποτονικού, συμπαθής όμως με τον τρόπο του Andy Williams. Συμπαθής ίσως γιατί τον πρωτοείδα / άκουσα στην τηλεόραση των παιδικών μου χρόνων [’70s]. Ίσως και γιατί το πνεύμα της εποχής ήταν τέτοιο που οι πάντες, όχι μόνο οι “θεοί” είχαν τις στιγμές τους.

After “god” Tom Jones, from the same era, the golden ’60s,
Andy Williams, flabby on the verge of sugary, but likeable to me somehow, in his own way. Maybe because I first saw & heard him on my childhood TV [’70s]. Or maybe because the spirit of the time was such that everyone, not just “gods” had their moments.

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  1. Resa October 4, 2020 at 1:22 am

    My mom loved Andy, so I heard him a lot.
    I would cringe. This is the … hippest? (for the times) song I remember him singing.
    Tom Jones… Love him!

    1. Oannes October 4, 2020 at 8:11 am

      Me too. It has to do with the certain era [late ’60s], I guess. And the result is pure Vegas fun …with sitar.
      Thank you!


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