Δυο ακόμα όψεις της πολυσχιδούς μουσικής προσωπικότητας του Andre Previn : η του πιανίστα – παραγωγού άλμπουμ [όχι ακριβώς] “easy listening” jazz, και η του κλασικού περφόρμερ.
Τα δυο πρώτα tracks είναι κυκλοφορίες των ‘60s : κανένα από τα original AP άλμπουμ της εποχής δεν έχει κυκλοφορήσει σε cd, υπάρχει απλώς ένα compilation απ’ αυτά με τίτλο
A Touch Of Elegance [άσχετο με το ομότιτλο tribute του στον Duke Ellington].
Στο τρίτο track ακούμε τον Andre Previn – κλασικό πιανίστα να συμπράττει με τους Feri Roth – βιολί, Joseph Schuster – βιολοντσέλο στο Allegro ma non troppo από το
Πιάνο Τρίο σε Ρε ελάσσονα έργο 120, του Φέλιξ Μέντελσον

Two more aspects of
Andre Previn’s multifaceted musical personality: the one of pianist-album producer of [not quite] “easy listening” jazz, and the one of classical performer.
The first two tracks are ’60s releases: none of the original AP albums of the time have been released on CD, there is just a compilation out of them :
A Touch Of Elegance [unrelated to his unanimous tribute to Duke Ellington].
On the third track we hear Andre Previn – classical pianist along with Feri Roth – violin, Joseph Schuster – cello performing Allegro ma non troppo from
Piano Trio in D minor op. 120, by Felix Mendelssohn

00:00 I Remember You 02:36 What’s New 05:51 Allegro man non troppo

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  1. Sue Dreamwalker April 30, 2023 at 2:45 pm

    His fingers must have been a blurr.. while playing.. 🙂

  2. Resa May 1, 2023 at 10:29 pm

    That first piece makes me feel amazingly happy!
    Beautiful playing. Thank you!

  3. Ken Powell May 5, 2023 at 6:34 pm

    An impressive guy was Previn! I grew up with him on our TV very often (including the classic Morecombe and Wise Show) so he was a childhood ‘friend’ and fondly remembered. But what a talent 🙂

    1. Oannes May 5, 2023 at 6:44 pm

      Yes indeed! And time didn’t allow me to include some really good stuff on the tribute, like some of his soundtracks or his violin concerto No 2 [“Ann-Sophie”] named after his future wife Ann-Sophie Mutter!


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