Από το δεύτερο LP του γκρουπ – τα μέλη στην παρούσα φάση : Peter Hammill φωνή, κιθάρα, πιάνο, Hugh Banton όργανο, πιάνο, David Jackson σαξόφωνο, φλάουτο, Nick Potter μπάσο, ηλ. κιθάρα, Guy Evans νραμς.
Το κομμάτι αναφέρεται στο περίφημο
Malleus Maleficarum, εγχειρίδιο αναγνώρισης, καταδίωξης και εξόντωσης των μαγισσών που εκδόθηκε στο τέλος του 15ου αι.
Πρώιμοι, ψυχεδελίζοντες Van Der Graaf στα καλύτερά τους.
[Παρεμπιπτόντως : το ότι το κυνήγι των μαγισσών αποτελεί σήμα-κατατεθέν του μεσαιωνικού σκοταδισμού είναι αρκετά ενδιαφέρον, δεδομένου του ότι Malleus προκύπτει εν καιρώ

From the band’s second LP
– the current line-up : Peter Hammill vocals, guitar, piano, Hugh Banton organ, piano, David Jackson saxophone, flute, Nick Potter bass, el. guitar Guy Evans drums.
The song refers to famous
Malleus Maleficarum, a manual for the identification, persecution and execution of witches published at the end of the 15th century.
Early, psychedelic – influenced Van Der Graaf at their best.
[By the way : the fact that witch hunts are considered a hallmark of medieval obscurantism is aptly interesting, given that the Malleus appears in the time of

In the year 1486
The Malleus first appeared
Designed to kill all witchcraft
And end the papal fears
Prescribing tortures
To kill the Black Arts
And the Hammer struck hard
Malleus Maleficarum
Slaughtered and tortured
All those under suspicion
As the Inquisistion ordered
Burning black hearts and innocent alike
Killing the mad
Such was the power
Here, that the Hammer had
Though Hexenhammer was intended to slay only evil
Fear and anger against magic overspilled
They also killed those of the White
So, for two centuries and
More, they tried to slay
Both the Black and the White Arts
But spirits override pain
For every one that the torture took
Two were hid secure
And so, the craft
Yes, it endured
Love and hate lived on in the face of fear
Hexenhammer’s force died
And the real power became clear
White Hammer no more is beaten
Now, it begins to beat
And the Grey, once oppressor
Now, at good hands, faces defeat
And the Black, too, shall bow down
To the power above
Black hate beats Grey
But supreme is
The White Hammer of Love
The White Hammer of Love

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  1. Eric Wayne November 5, 2023 at 4:23 pm

    Damn. I discovered this song by buying the used record around 30 years ago. The lyrics have stuck with me all this time. Possibly my favorite VDGG song.

    1. Oannes November 5, 2023 at 6:49 pm

      Definitively one of my favorites too. Thank you!


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