Ένας από τους αγαπημένους μου του February born musicians club είναι ο Brian James, ιδρυτής, κιθαρίστας και βασικός συνθέτης των Damned στα δυο πρώτα τους άλμπουμ [μετά από τα οποία τους εγκατέλειψε σχηματίζοντας τους Lords Of The New Church].
Tο δισκογραφικό ντεμπούτο του γκρουπ
[Damned Damned Damned, 1977] ήταν ό,τι πιο ακραίο ακούστηκε στην διάρκεια της έκρηξης του βρετανικού πανκ, επιδεικνύοντας ταυτόχρονα ένα μουσικό IQ απλησίαστο για τους περισσότερους απ’ τους συγχρόνους τους. Παρεμπιπτόντως, ήταν η πρώτη κυκλοφορία της σκηνής – μήνες πριν απ’ το Never Mind The Bollocks.
Δείγμα του, αυτό το all time classic…

Brian James is one of my favorite from the February born musicians club : founder, guitarist and main songwriter of The Damned on their first two albums [after which he left, forming The Lords Of The New Church].
The band’s debut album
[Damned Damned Damned, 1977] was the most extreme of the British punk explosion, while at the same time exposing a musical IQ far beyond most of their peers.
By the way, it was the first release of this scene – months before Never Mind The Bollocks.
A token of it is this all time classic…

I get a calling time of day
Beat a lot a lot of crime away
There’s nothing baby I can’t take
With that crime I’m gonna make your body ache
It’s no kind of big deal
No Carnegie steal
I don’t feel like no heel
When I’m born
Said I’m born
Yeah I’m born
And I’m born to kill
Said I’m born
Yeah I’m born
Know I’m born
When I’m born to kill
Jet along and jive my back
Don’t tread on my toes and don’t skivvy my back
Cheddar bone chops you real fine fine fine
Well take a chance honey you can be mine
It’s no kind of big deal
No Carnegie steal
I don’t feel like no heel
Said I’m born
Know I’m born
Yeah I’m born
When born to kill
Said I’m born
Y’know I’m born
Yeah I’m born
When I’m born to kill
Born to kill
Born to kill
Born to kill
Born to kill

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1 Comment

  1. Resa February 12, 2023 at 9:00 pm

    Yes! The real deal.


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