Ένα έξοχο τραγούδι των Wilbur Hatrch & Gene L. Coon από το επεισόδιο του Star Trek, The Conscience of the King. Σε εντελώς επαγγελματική ερμηνεία από την πολυτάλαντη Nichelle Nichols, περισσότερο γνωστή ως Lieutenant Uhura του USS Enterprise. H Nichelle Nichols πέθανε μόλις, σε ηλικία 89 ετών.

A splendid song, written by Wilbur Hatch & Gene L. Coon, from the
Star Trek episode ‘The Conscience Of The King’. In full professional performance by the multi – talented Nichelle Nichols, better known as Lieutenant Uhura of the USS Enterprise. Nichelle Nichols has just died, aged 89.

The skies are green and glowing,
Where my heart is, where my heart is,
Where the scented lunar flower is blooming:
Somewhere, beyond the stars…Beyond Antares.
I’ll be back, though it takes forever.
Forever is just a day.
Forever is just another journey.
Tomorrow a stop along the way.
Then let the years go fading,
Where my heart is, where my heart is,
Where my love eternally is waiting
Somewhere, beyond the stars…Beyond Antares.

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  1. Dale August 2, 2022 at 5:52 pm

    I had just watched this episode a couple weeks before! Lovely tribute.

    1. Oannes August 2, 2022 at 10:48 pm

      She really was [among other things] an accomplished singer… Thank you Dale!

      1. Dale August 2, 2022 at 10:52 pm

        Yes, not everyone knows that (though more do now, thanks to you)


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