Οι λόγοι για το ανέβασμα του βίντεο είναι :
1. Θέλεις να μοιραστείς κάτι που σε έχει συγκλονίσει, αλλά και θεωρείς
“αντικειμενικά” συγκλονιστικό.
2. Οι άνθρωποι που έλαβαν τις αποφάσεις για όσα περιγράφουν οι πρωταγωνιστές του βίντεο, είναι της ίδιας κατηγορίας με εκείνους που απειλούν & διώκουν
σήμερα τους “αρνητές της επιστήμης”.
3. Αρχίζει να γίνεται ορατή η πιθανότητα, καταστάσεις όπως αυτές εδώ, να τις βιώσουμε
οι ίδιοι.

CRAZY VIDEO: After World War II, the British government dropped a nuclear bomb right next to 20,000 British soldiers just to see what would happen

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  1. Timothy Price March 14, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    That was horrible. It’s amazing how little those in power think about the people they rule. My dad worked on the first hydrogen bomb that wiped out Eniwetok Atoll. He worked on other bomb detonations in the 1950s. He was radioactive when I was conceived. He died of multiple myeloma when he was 84. A lot of the other men who were also exposed to radiation from the blasts died much earlier. Since cancer does not run on either side of my family, I have to assume my cancer was most likely due to my dad being radioactive when I was conceived.

    1. Oannes March 14, 2023 at 2:29 pm

      These people must pay. And keep on paying. And live their whole lives paying.


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