Δεν είναι φυσικά “το καλύτερο” τραγούδι που έχει γράψει Σταύρος Ξαρχάκος, εκλεκτό μέλος του March born club και μεγαλύτερος εν ζωή Έλληνας συνθέτης. Eίναι όμως το δικό μου αγαπημένο για “βιωματικούς” λόγους – ένα τραγούδι που δεν παύει να με συγκινεί από παιδικής ηλικίας. Η Φωνή του Ξυλούρη δεν είναι άμοιρη ευθυνών γι’ αυτό.
This is not “the best” song written by Stavros Xarhakos, prime member of the March born club and greatest living Greek composer. But it is my favorite for “nostalgic” reasons – a song that never ceases to move me since childhood. Xylouris’ Voice has much to do with that.

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Nice voice. I like this!
That’s one of the most beloved hearings of my childhood! Thank you!
… a hearing… I like that. Don’t laugh… but in a memory regard from childhood; there was a song by Doris Day, “Que Sera Sera”. They played it over and over and over on the Merry-go-round at the beach one summer. A very strong memory that I hear..
I remember pretty well this song from the Doris Day Show which I used to watch as a kid on Greek television in the early ’70s. Funny thing is Xarhakos’ song comes from the exact same period!