Κάποιες στιγμές εδώ, η μελωδία που τραγουδά πάνω απ’ τις κιθάρες ο David Eugene Edwards έχει κάτι από ορθόδοξο βυζαντινό μέλος. Διόλου περίεργο, για ένα άνθρωπο θρησκευόμενο, δοσμένο σε αποκαλυπτικές προφητείες και οράματα όπως ο singer – songwriter αρχηγός των Wovenhand, και πριν των 16 Horsepower.

At times here, the melody sung over the guitars by David Eugene Edwards has something of an Orthodox Byzantine psalm.
Not a strange thing for a man religious, given to apocalyptic prophecies and visions like the singer – songwriter leader of
Wovenhand, former 16 Horsepower.

Into the center
The lots are cast
Oh the here I Am
The laughing stalk laughs
In here… you are… his eyes
Selah selah
Selah selah
Unto him we rise
It is Yahweh who hath opened
Jehovah hath made a way
Immanuel… Immanuel eternal day
O my holy prince
First… risen before us
Upheld by his own holiness
He has made known… salvation unto the Lord alone
To the apostate he allots our fields
Ask of me
I will give to thee
The wild tree
Do our hearts not burn within us
The two of us… you and me
Taking unto himself
Every kindness in and under heaven
Unto him is rendered… selah
Unto him returns
Who is like unto him
He exalts himself to sit
Abraham Abraham
Here I am here I am
Do think to him
Before the silver cord is broken
The golden bowl is crushed
The vessel by the well shattered to dust
Every turning wheel seized in rust
Taking unto himself
Every kindness in and under heaven
Unto him is rendered… selah
Unto him returns
Who is like unto him
He exalts himself to sit
Abraham Abraham
Here I am here I am

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  1. Resa October 28, 2020 at 10:49 pm

    Not what I was expecting from your intro, although I don’t really know what an Orthodox Byzantine psalm is.
    I like this a lot!
    The few drum beats at the beginning made me think of “Be My Baby”.

    1. Oannes October 29, 2020 at 8:00 pm

      It’s the οrthodox [= eastern Europe version of Christianity] equivalent of the Gregorian chant of the Catholics.
      The Gregorian chant is considered the foundation of Western classical music.

      1. Resa October 29, 2020 at 10:21 pm

        Interesting.. Thank you!


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