Η καριέρα του William Grant Still είναι σημαδεμένη από πρωτιές: ο πρώτος αφροαμερικανός συνθέτης του οποίου συμφωνία και όπερα εκτελέσθηκαν από μεγάλο ορχηστρικό / οπερατικό οργανισμό, ο πρώτος που διεύθυνε συμφωνική ορχήστρα, ο πρώτος που όπερά του ακούστηκε από την τηλεόραση κοκ. Μπορεί να φανταστεί κανείς ότι η πορεία ενός νέγρου καλλιτέχνη που επέλεξε να κινηθεί στον χώρο όχι της jazz ή των blues, αλλά της κλασικής, σε μια Αμερική όπως αυτή της αρχής και των μέσων του 20ου αι. δεν ήταν ακριβώς στρωμένη με ροδοπέταλα… Ο Still είχε πάντα το “προαίσθημα” ότι το έργο του θα ξεχαστεί. Ευτυχώς το προαίσθημα ήταν λάθος.
Ακούμε μια πιανιστική του σύνθεση, από τον Denver Oldham.
William Grant Still’s career is marked by “firsts”: first African American composer whose a symphony and an opera were performed by a large orchestral/operatic organization, first to conduct a symphony orchestra, first to have an opera of his broadcasted on national television and so on. It is easy to imagine that, in an America like the one of the beginning and the middle of the 20th century, the path of a negro artist who chooses classical music instead of blues or jazz, wasn’t exactly paved with rose petals. Still always had the feeling that his work was meant to be forgotten. Fortunately the feeling was wrong.
We hear a composition for piano, performed by Denver Oldham.

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Very nice. I know his orchestral works (I actually have 2 different recordings of his Symphony 1) more than piano.
Thank you! I have some orchestral works of his too. He is really good, and I think he ‘s not received the fame he deserves.
Beautiful piece, Oannes!
Beautiful music!
Hard to believe that this man, this person of such brilliant talent and all black Americans were only allowed to vote 13 years before he died. It shines a light on the USA’s pathetic past.
We have a horrid, humbling past in Canada, as well.