Σαν σήμερα, 27 Μαρτίου 1950 γεννήθηκε ο Tony Banks, οργανίστας και βασικός συνθέτης των Genesis. Το αρμονικό του οπλοστάσιο, πρωτοφανές για τα δεδομένα της ποπ, με επιρροές από συνθέτες όπως ο Ντεμπισί και ο Ραβέλ, ο αντιστικτικός τρόπος του ακομπανιαρίσματος, και η συνθετική του ιδιοφυία, τον καθιστούν την πιο σημαντική ίσως φυσιογνωμία για το είδος που πέρασε στην ιστορία ως progressive rock.
Ακούμε το “The Cinema Show” από το Selling England By The Pound [1973], με το επικό δεύτερο μέρος, βασισμένο στα keyboards του TB. Στο ίδιο επίπεδο, αν και διαφορετικής υφής, το οργανικό μέρος του Entangled” από το Trick Of The Tail [1976]. Το τρίτο κομμάτι, Earthlight, έρχεται απο το ορχηστρικό του άλμπουμ Seven – A Suite For Orchestra [2004]

On this date, March 27th, Tony Banks, keyboard player and key composer of Genesis, was born. His harmonic arsenal, unprecedented in the world of pop, influenced by composers like Debussy and Ravel, the contrapuntal way of accompanying, and an unparalleled creative genius, make him perhaps the most important figure of the progressive rock era. We hear “The Cinema Show” from Selling England By The Pound [1973], with its epic second part, based on TB’s keyboards. Equally astonishing, though in a different way, is the instrumental part of “Entangled” from A Trick Of The Tail [1976]. The third piece is called “Earthlight” and comes from his orchestral album Seven – A Suite For Orchestra [2004]

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  1. Dale March 29, 2020 at 6:34 pm

    Genesis… my favourite band from my youth that I still love.

  2. Dale March 29, 2020 at 6:40 pm

    Oh, and thank you for that beautiful Tony Banks piece “Earthlight” I didn’t know it and it is so appropriately entitled.

    1. Oannes March 30, 2020 at 8:13 am

      Unfortunately, in this phase of his career [already counting 3 orchestral albums] the guy’s lost a large amount of his creative powers.
      This piece is one of the few exceptions. Genesis were, and are, my favorite “rock” band of all times. And Tony Banks my favorite member, by far. Thank you very much for sharing!

  3. Resa April 1, 2020 at 11:24 pm

    Genesis is okay, but Tony is very great. LOVE the orchestra piece… love it!

    1. Oannes April 5, 2020 at 1:57 pm

      Since I’m …the greatest Genesis [and Banks] fan on earth maybe, I prefer the Genesis tracks, with EPIC Tony Bank’s parts on second half of each, but of course I love the orchestral too. Unfortunately this one does not represent the usual level of the man’s inspiration these days.
      Thanks a lot!


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