Ακούμε ένα αναγεννησιακό καλοκαιρινό τραγούδι του Thomas Campion. Ποιητής, συνθέτης, λαουτίστας, γιατρός, νομομαθής, φιλόλογος, ο TC ήταν ένας αληθινός “Renaissance man”.
Τραγουδάει ο
Robert Spencer, με τη συνοδεία του κορυφαίαου κιθαρίστα – λαουτίστα Julian Bream.

We hear a Renaissance summer song by
Thomas Campion.
Poet, composer, lautist, doctor, jurist, philologist, doctor … TC was a true “Renaissance man”.
The song is performed by
Robert Spencer, accompanied by the prominent guitarist – lutenist Julian Bream.

It fell on a sommers day,
While sweete Bessie sleeping laie
In her bowre, on her bed,
Light with curtaines shadowed,
Iamy came: shee him spies,
Opning halfe her heauie eyes.
Iamy stole in through the dore,
She lay slumbring as before;
Softly to her he drew neere,
She heard him, yet would not heare,
Bessie vow’d not to speake,
He resolu’d that dumpe to breake.
First a soft kisse he doth take,
She lay still, and would not wake;
Then his hands learn’d to woo,
She dreamp’t not what he would doo,
But still slept, while he smild
To see loue by sleepe beguild.
Iamy then began to play,
Bessie as one buried lay,
Gladly still through this sleight
Deceiu’d in her owne deceit,
And since this traunce begoon,
She sleepes eu’rie afternoone.

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1 Comment

  1. Resa June 6, 2022 at 11:43 pm

    Oh, this is so sweet a melody, it must have been inspired by bird song. Poetry in motion!


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