Θα συνεχίσουμε για λίγο ακόμα με μουσική Independence Day – related, πριν επιστρέψουμε στα καλά μας ερπετά.
Ακούμε ένα κομμάτι από το ένα και μοναδικό, μνημειώδες άλμπουμ που οι
The United States Of America κυκλοφόρησαν το 1968. Ψυχεδέλεια, ηλεκτρονικοί πειραματισμοί, ενάργεια και κοινωνική ευαισθητοποίηση, το ήθος μιας “άλλης” αριστεράς – το “ενεργειακό αποτύπωμα” ενός πλανήτη μακρυά απ’ αυτόν που ζούμε.

We will continue for a while with music
Independence Day – related, before returning to our good serpents.
We hear a track from the one and only, monumental album
The United States Of America released in 1968. Psychedelia, electronic experimentation, clarity and social awareness, a different “leftist” ethos- the “energy footprint” of planet distant from the Earth we’ re living on.

At precisely eight-o-five
Doctor Frederick von Meier
Will attempt his famous dive
Through a solid sheet of luminescent fire.
In the center of the ring
They are torturing a bear
And although he cannot sing
They can make him whistle Londondderry Air
And the price is right,
The cost of one admission is your mind
We shall shortly institute
A syncopation of fear
While it’s painful, it will suit
Many customers whose appetites are queer
Or for those who wish to pay
There are children you can bleed
In a most peculiar way
We can give you all the instruments you’ll need
And the price is right,
The cost of one admission is your mind
If you’re harder yet to serve
We have most delightful dreams;
Our recorders will preserve
The intensity and passion of your screams.
For we only aim to please;
It’s our customers who gain
As their appetites increase
They must come to us for pleasure and for pain.
And the price is right,
The cost of one admission is your mind.

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  1. Resa July 15, 2022 at 12:58 am

    Yes… a circus!


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