…Όπου οι Damned αφήνουν πίσω όχι μόνο τις μουσικές επιδόσεις του είδους στο οποίο “ανήκαν”, αλλά και τους ίδιους εαυτούς τους: αξίζει να προσέξει κανείς το “αυτοϋπονομευτικό” fade out – φινάλε.
Τέτοιου είδους χιούμορ ήταν φυσικά ψιλά γράμματα για το
BBC, το οποιο απλώς απαγόρεψε το τραγούδι ως “ανατρεπτικό”.

The Damned outdo the musical skills of “their” genre, and even themselves: it is interesting to notice the “self-undermining” fade out – finale.
For the
BBC of course, such kind of humor was small print case. They just banned the song as “subversive”.

We’ve been crying now for much too long
And now we’re gonna dance to a different song
Gonna sream and shout til my dying breath
Gonna smash it up til theres nothing left
Oooh ooh smash it up, smash it up, smash it up
Oooh ooh smash it up, smash it up, smash it up
People call me villain oh its such a shame
Maybe its my clothes must be to blame
I don’t even care if i look a mess
Don’t wanna be a sucker like all the rest
Smash it up Smash it up, you can keep your krishna burgers
Smash it up, and your glastonbury hippies
Smash it up, you can stick your frothy lager
Smash it up, and your blow wave hairstyles
And everybodys smashing things now
I said everybodys smashing things now yeah

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  1. Resa November 11, 2020 at 12:19 am

    I like this song… although it’s only a vague memory.
    Banned… subversion… ?????? Crazy!!!

    1. Oannes November 11, 2020 at 5:46 pm

      Well, we’re talking about 1978 here!

      1. Resa November 12, 2020 at 12:41 am

        I have some pics of Star Trek posters. I’m sure you haven’t seen them. I told Marina about them in a comment!


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