Ένα από τα γλυκύτερα, και πια απέριττα ερωτικά τραγούδια που έχω ποτέ ακούσει είναι αυτό εδώ, του “τρελού” αρχηγού / συνθετικού εγκέφαλου των Pink Floyd. Το κομμάτι προέρχεται από το πρώτο του σόλο άλμπουμ, αφού έχει εκδιωχτεί από το γκρουπ.

One of the sweetest, most stripped-down love songs I’ve ever heard is this one, written by Pink Floyd‘s original leader. The track comes from the first solo album the “Madcap” recorded, having been kicked out of the band.

I really love you and I mean you
The star above you, crystal blue
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you
I wouldn’t see you and I love to
I fly above you, yes I do
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you
Floating, bumping, noses dodge a tooth
The fins a luminous
Fangs all ’round the clown
Is dark below the boulders hiding all
The sunlight’s good for us
‘Cause we’re the fishes and all we do
The move about is all we do
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you
Floating, bumping, noses dodge a tooth
The fins a luminous
Fangs all ’round the clown
Is dark below the boulders hiding all
The sunlight’s good for us
‘Cause we’re the fishes and all we do
The move about is all we do
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you
I really love you and I mean you
The star above you, crystal blue
Well, oh baby, my hairs on end about you
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  1. Resa February 15, 2020 at 12:48 am

    A criss cross between Beatles and Kinks… with not much of PF thrown in. New to me.

    1. Oannes February 15, 2020 at 11:04 am

      He was the man who “invented” Pink Floyd, but was kicked out after the first album because of “mental problems” [too much LSD].
      Thank you Resa!

      1. Resa February 15, 2020 at 5:39 pm

        Interesting! I did think that LSD was behind the birth of Pink Floyd, without any reason save the music itself.

        1. Oannes February 16, 2020 at 6:07 pm

          Well, you can be sure that it was… Thank you Resa!


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