Με αφορμή τη χτεσινή επέτειο, λίγη μουσική από ένα από τα επεισόδια του Star Trek.
Διαλέγω ένα απόσπασμα από το soundtrack του
Fred Steiner για το μνημειώδες ‘Who Mourns For Adonais’ [αυτό με τον …Απόλλωνα, τελευταίο επιζώντα από τους αρχαίους θεούς, αυτοεξόριστο σε ένα μακρινό πλανήτη]. Το επεισόδιο προβλήθηκε στις 22 Σεπτεμβρίου του 1967.

Οn the occasion of yesterday’s anniversary, here’s some music from one of the Star Trek episodes.
I pick an excerpt from
Fred Steiner‘s soundtrack for the monumental ‘Who Mourns For Adonais’ [the one with …Apollo, the last survivor of the ancient Gods, self-exiled on a distant planet].
The episode was aired on September 22, 1967.

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  1. Resa September 12, 2020 at 8:49 pm

    I like that episode, a lot, but then again I like ALL the episodes!
    Now, I feel like watching “Mudd’s Women”.
    The show really had some great music, and as there were no computers, it must be a live orchestra!

    1. Oannes September 12, 2020 at 10:35 pm

      I like them all too. Every now and them we watch all 79 episodes in a row [We have almost every sci-fi tv show ever aired, full episodes on dvd, including Outer Limits, The Twilight zone, Land of the Giants, Lost in Space, The Time Tunnel etc. etc. ]
      But Star Trek is in a class of is own. One of the most important things ever happened to me, and I’m not being dramatic.
      So glad you are a Trekkie too!

      1. Resa September 12, 2020 at 10:41 pm

        I have Star Trek Trading Cards from the 1980’s, but I never managed to collect the entire set!


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