Ενώνοντας το κόνσεπτ των άγιων ημερών με αυτό των συνθετών του μήνα, περνάμε στη ζοφερά μεγαλοπρεπή Νήσο Των Νεκρών του Σεργκέι Ραχμάνινοφ. Πηγή έμπνευσης του συμφωνικού ποιήματος – ορόσημου της υστερορομαντικής περιόδου υπήρξε ο εικονιζόμενος πίνακας του Ελβετού συμβολιστή ζωγράφου Arnold Bocklin.
Αυτό που είχε δει ο συνθέτης ήταν μια
ασπρόμαυρη εκτύπωσή του. Θα δήλωνε αργότερα ότι την προτιμούσε απ’ το original, πιθανολογώντας ότι …αν είχε δει αυτό, δεν θα είχε συνθέσει το έργο.

Combining the holy days concept with the one of this month’s composers’ we move on to the gloomily majestic
Island Of The Dead by Sergei Rachmaninov. The source of inspiration for this symphonic poem, a landmark of the late romantic period, was the depicted painting by the Swiss symbolist painter Arnold Bocklin.
What the composer had seen was a black and white printout of it. He would later state that he preferred it to the original, adding that … If he had seen this, he probably wouldn’t have composed the work.

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  1. Resa April 21, 2023 at 11:34 pm

    Every time I hear his music….. WoW!

    1. Oannes April 22, 2023 at 7:48 am

      This is a tremendous work to my opinion, one of the landmarks of the 20th century. It gives me the chills every time I hear it. It’s one of Marina’s favorites also.

      1. Resa April 22, 2023 at 7:14 pm

        I love the music culture on this music blog. It’s so all encompassing and informative.
        I’m richer for it!
        I didn’t get to draw to Sandy last night. I got sidetracked. Tonight’s the night! I’ve got the links copied.
        I want to start a drawing of Marina. I’m thinking of starting with Sandy, then moving on to Hendrix.
        It’s hard to plan, but starting with Sandy is a must.


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