Ένα τραγούδι από τον σημαντικό Αυστραλό κιθαρίστα – συνθέτη Roland S. Howard [Birthday Party, solo], πρόταση του καλού φίλου του blog, stcigar.
A song by the important Australian guitarist – songwriter
Roland S. Howard [Birthday Party, solo], a proposition from the good friend of the blog, stcigar.

The rain fell on the street of grey
The steeple, lightning rod, the cross
The words, the vow, the ring, the kiss
Someone sang Avé Maria
My sweetest girl, my dangeress
Broke the window of my chest
A heart shot far from this world
Until it slowly came to rest
Inside the strangeness of her breast
My danger girl, my tigeress
History led her to me
Each footstep cut in memory
Clad in a dress of silver-grey
She walked into our wedding day
My sweetest girl, my dangeress
Broke the window of my chest
My heart shot far from this world
Until it slowly came to rest
Inside the strangeness of her breast
My dangerous girl, my tigeress
And through the daily devastation
We are but in each other’s wake
And in the coldness of the station
We board the train all lovers take
But when I try to talk to her
I don’t speak that language anymore
For though my crimes remain unnamed
All my treasons, all my shames
Later you would rightly say
We didn’t dance upon our wedding day

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  1. Timothy Price August 15, 2021 at 10:25 pm

    I love it. Not the classic Avé Maria sung in church. Speaking of singing Avé Maria in church, a friend and her daughter performed a traditional Avé Maria in a Catholic Church a few years ago. I took video of their performance and uploaded it to YouTube. The next morning I had a take down notice by two different copyright holders. I was a little surprised because I thought Avé Maria originated from Schubert’s “Ellen’s Third Song” based on Sir Walter Scott’s “Lady of the Lake” so it had been around for a long time. I guess there are contemporary arrangements with multiple copyright holders.

  2. Liz Gauffreau August 16, 2021 at 12:54 am

    I love this song. I hadn’t heard it before.

  3. Fairy Queen August 16, 2021 at 4:50 pm

    Wowww, I listened to it abd it’s very intimate ☺☺☺

  4. Resa August 17, 2021 at 10:49 pm

    Love it! Very unique, yet with touches of Leonard Cohen…. and the tiniest smidge of… (don’t laugh) Johnny cash.
    Where do I get these ideas from?

    1. Oannes August 19, 2021 at 10:23 pm

      The simplest answer is : from reality. Your remarks are accurate as always!

      1. Resa August 25, 2021 at 9:32 pm

        Thank you so much!


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