Οι singer – songwriters, multi-instrumentalists Robin Williamson & Mike Heron ήταν ο δημιουργκός πυρήνας των Incredible String Band, του πρωτοποριακού ψυχεδελικού φολκ συγκροτήματος των ’60s & ’70s. Η αξία του έργου των δυο Σκωτσέζων, και η επιρροή τους, είναι δυσανάλογες της συχνότητας με την οποία μηνονεύεται το ονομά τους σήμερα…
Ακούμε δυο τραγούδια του Williamson, προσωπικής μου αδυναμίας και ενός από τους λίγους singers-songwriters για τους οποίους ο χαρακτηρισμός “μεγάλος” δεν ακούγεται καταχρηστικός. Tο πρώτο προέρχεται από το σόλο άλμπουμ του The Island Of The Strong Door, κυκλοφορία του 1995. Το δεύτερο από το άλμπουμ των ISB Liquid Acrobat As Regards The Air του 1971.

Singer – songwriters, multi-instrumentalists
Robin Williamson & Mike Heron were the creative core of The Incredible String Band, pioneering psychedelic folk band of the ’60s & ’70s. The value of the work of the two Scots, and their influence, is disproportionate to the extent to which their name is remembered today… We hear two songs by Williamson, my personal favorite and one of the few singers-songwriters for whom the tag “great” sounds appropriate. The first one is from his solo album The Island Of The Strong Door, released in 1995. The second from the 1971 ISB album Liquid Acrobat As Regards The Air.

00:00 In Four Quarters Of The World 04:43 Dear Old Battlefield

Just another rusty brother
Seeing his old role replayed
Looking in the world like a broken mirror
Seeing his old face displayed
They come and go, come and go
Why do you advertise goodbye
Living a lie will lay you low
What can I tell you, what can I sell you
But the truth will make you high
Death is unreal that’s the way I feel
There’s more to be revealed
Lovers and friends meet again and again
On the dear old, on the dear old
On the dear old battlefield
Death is unreal that’s the way I feel
There’s more to be revealed
Lovers and friends meet again and again
On the dear old, on the dear old
On the dear old battlefield
I will see my memory
Lightly let me go
I know that we will always be
But time passed fast and slow
Age long cradle song
Almost had me sleeping for good
If not for the plan of the magic man
Who finally helped me out of the wood
On the dear old battlefield

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