Ένα ακόμα μίνι έπος από τη χρυσή περίοδο των Genesis, καθορισμένο από τα keyboards του Tony Banks – δεν ξέρει ούτε ο ίδιος τι παίζει στο οργανικό μέρος. Το άλμπουμ είναι το A Trick Of The Tail, και κάπου εδώ ξεκινάει η καριέρα του Phil Collins ως performer. Μαζί, το βίντεο που θυμάμαι να παρακολουθώ στην τηλεοπτική εκπομπή του Πετρίδη, πάνω-κάτω την εποχή που κυκλοφόρησε.
Another mini epic from
Genesis’ golden era defined by Tony Banks’ keyboards – he’s absolutely killing it on the instrumental part. The album is A Trick Of The Tail, and this is where Phil Collins’ career as performer starts. With it, a video I remember watching on a Greek TV music show of the period.

The streets were deserted though the police were alerted
They considered the phone call a hoax.
Furtively glancing then jauntily prancing
The youth caught the guards unaware
Slipping between them he ought to have seen then
The eyes and their owner so near
With torch shining bright he strode on in the night
Till he came to the room with the safe
“Hello son, I hope you’re having fun.”
“You’ve got it wrong Sir, I’m only the cleaner.”
With that he fired, the other saying as he died
“You’ve done me wrong, “
It’s the same old song forever, forever
Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony
Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony
He picked up the diamonds and bundles of fivers
And pushed them well down in his sack
But the alarm had been sounded, he was completely surrounded
But he had some more tricks up his sleeve
“Come outside with your hands held high.”
“You’ll not get me alive Sir, I promise you that Sir.”
With that he fired, the other saying as he died
“You’ve done me wrong, “
It’s the same old song forever, forever
Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony
Robbery, assault and battery
The felon and his felony
“He’s leaving via the roof, the bastard’s got away.
God always fights on the side of the bad man,
Bad man, bad man, bad man.”
“I’ve got clean away but I’ll be back some day,
Just the combination will have changed.
Some day they’ll catch me, to a chain they’ll attach me
But until that day I’ll ride the old crime wave
If they try to hold me for trial
I’ll stay out of jail by paying my bail
And after I’ll go to the court of appeal saying
‘You’ve done me wrong, ‘ it’s the same old song forever, forever.”
Done me wrong same old song done me wrong
Same old song – done me wrong – same old song
Done me wrong same old song done me wrong
Same old song done me wrong same old song
Done me wrong same old song done me wrong
Same old song done me wrong same old song

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  1. Dale March 8, 2024 at 11:33 pm

    Haven’t heard this in such a long time! So much fun.

    1. Oannes March 9, 2024 at 7:52 am

      Same here exactly. What Banks [“my eternal idol!”☀️] plays here is beyond praise. On a musical level, but also technical.

      1. Dale March 9, 2024 at 8:04 am

        😊 so good!

  2. Resa March 16, 2024 at 8:44 pm

    The beginning, and to a lesser degree the rest of the song, is reminiscent of Earth Wind and Fire. it! Thank you!

    1. Oannes March 17, 2024 at 10:07 am

      There’s some connection [Genesis were always much more into black music than people think]. But imho, in terms of musical skills and innovation, as great as Earth Wind and Fire were, Genesis were even greater. Thank you!

      1. Resa March 17, 2024 at 5:57 pm

        Welcome! Interesting. I really like EW&F, but they get a bit fancy, so I agree with you.


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