Ακούμε ένα κομμάτι των Rainbow [1975] και ένα των Deep Purple [1972], προς τιμήν ενός από τα σημαντικά μέλη του April born musicians club : του συνθέτη και κορυφαίου κιθαρίστα Ritchie Blackmore.
Το Machine Head των DP έτυχε να είναι το πρώτο ροκ άλμπουμ που άκουσα ποτέ. Ως εκ τούτου ακόμα και σήμερα κομμάτια σαν το ‘Highway Star’ ή το
‘Pictures Of Home’ περιβάλλονται από μια αύρα ανεξίτηλη, “μαγική” και ανεπανάληπτη.

We hear a song by
Rainbow [1975] and one by Deep Purple [1972], in honor of one of the significant members of the April born musicians club : composer and top guitarist Ritchie Blackmore.
Machine Head happened to be the first rock album I ever heard. Therefore, even today, tracks like ‘Highway Star’ or
‘Pictures Of Home’ are surrounded by an aura indelible, “magical” and unrepeatable.

I’m a wheel, I’m a wheel
I can roll, I can feel
And you can’t stop me turning
Cause I’m the sun, I’m the sun
I can move, I can run
But you’ll never stop me burning
Come down with fire
Lift my spirit higher
Someone’s screaming my name
Come and make me holy again
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the day, I’m the day
I can show you the way
And look I’m right beside you
I’m the night, I’m the night
I’m the dark and the light
With eyes that see inside you
Come down with fire
Lift my spirit higher
Someone’s screaming my name
Come and make me holy again
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the man on the silver mountain
Come down with fire
Lift my spirit higher
Someone’s screaming my name
Come and make me holy again
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the man on the silver mountain
Just look at me and listen
I’m the man, the man, give you my hand
Come down with fire
Lift your spirit higher
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the man on the silver mountain
I’m the night and the light
I’m the black and the white
The man on the silver mountain

Somebody’s shouting
Up at a mountain
Only my own words return
Nobody’s out there
It’s a deception
When will I ever learn?
I’m alone here
With emptiness eagles and snow
Unfriendliness chilling my body
And whispering pictures of home
Wondering blindly
How can they find me
Maybe they don’t even know
My body is shaking
The call of the black footed crow…
I’m alone here
With emptiness eagles and snow
Unfriendliness chilling my body
And taunting with pictures of home
Here in this prison
Of my own making
Year after day I have grown
Into a hero
But there’s no worship
Where have they hidden my throne?
I’m alone here
With emptiness eagles and snow
Unfriendliness chilling my body
And screaming out pictures of home

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  1. Resa April 8, 2023 at 10:40 pm

    Fabulous! I must say I LOVE “Highway Star”.
    Think I’ll play it tonight while drawing.

    1. Oannes April 9, 2023 at 7:59 am

      Me too needless to say. I feel lucky this was my “initiation”, sort of, to the world of “rock music”. It contains almost everything. Rock drive, classical elements, tremendous guitars and keyboards. And vocals!!!


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