REMEMBERING JOHN LENNON [9/10/40 – 8/12/80]


There’s A Place [Please, Please Me, 1963] Από τα πρώτα τραγούδια του John για το γκρουπ, και από τα αγαπημένα μου, “ελάσσονα” αριστουργήματά τους.

I’ m Only Sleeping [Revolver, 1966] Ένας από τους 14 λόγους για τους οποίους το Revolver [όχι το Sgt. Peppers] αποτελεί το hi point της καριέρας των Beatles.

Mind Games [Mind Games, 1973] Τραγούδι – παρακαταθήκη, εις τον αιώνα τον άπαντα.


There’s A Place [Please, Please Me, 1963] One of John’s first songs for the band, and one of my favorite, “minor” masterpieces of them.

I’m Only Sleeping [Revolver, 1966] One of the 14 reasons why Revolver [not Sgt. Peppers] is the hi point of the Beatles career.

Mind Games [Mind Games, 1973] Song-legacy, for centuries to come


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  1. Lucid Gypsy December 9, 2019 at 8:56 pm

    I grew up with the Beatles as my soundtrack and I remember where I was on the day he died.

    1. Oannes December 10, 2019 at 7:34 am

      Me too! thank you very much for the comment!

  2. Resa December 14, 2019 at 11:33 pm

    Although I know all of these songs, I listened to them all again, with a lot of wonder and joy.
    John was my fave, and it was a notable day when he was assassinated.
    Thank you! Music is definitely part of the measure of my life.

  3. Oannes December 15, 2019 at 1:16 pm

    I still remember that day myself. One of the things that stuck in my mind was this guy who read about it and immediately put a gun on his head saying “no… I won’t have this”. And he just pulled the trigger. I found it absolutely absurd and at the same time absolutely heartbreaking .
    Thanks a lot!


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