Με το His ’Ν’ Hers κυκλοφορημένο το 1994, οι Pulp έγιναν για πρώτη φορά ευρύτερα γνωστοί, 16 χρόνια απ’ τη δημιουργία τους στο Shefield, και 11 χρόνια μετά το ντεμπούτο τους στη δισκογραφία. Αυτή η καθυστερημένη αναγνώριση θα ήταν το πρώτο βήμα προς το superstardom που ήρθε με το επόμενό τους, Different Class..

His ’Ν’ Hers, Pulp became widely known for the first time, 16 years after their formation Shefield, and 11 after their debut album. This delayed recognition would be the first step to superstardom which came with their next release, Different Class.

We like driving on a Saturday night,
Past the Leisure Center, left at the lights.
We don’t look for trouble,
But if it comes we don’t run.
Looking out for trouble,
Is what we call fun.
Hey you, you in the Jesus sandals,
Wouldn’t you like to come
Over and watch some vandals smashing up someone’s home?
We can’t help it, we’re so thick we can’t think,
Can’t think of anything but shit, sleep and drink.
Oh, and we like women;
“Up the women” we say,
And if we get lucky,
We might even meet some one day.
Hey you, you in the Jesus sandals,
Wouldn’t you like to come
Over and watch some vandals smashing up someone’s home?
Mister, we just want your car,
‘Cause we’re taking a girl to the reservoir.
Oh, all the papers say,
It’s a tragedy, but don’t you want to come and see?
Mister, we just want your car,
‘Cause we’re taking a girl to the reservoir.
Oh, all the papers say,
It’s a tragedy, but don’t you want to come and see?
Mister, we just want your car,
‘Cause we’re taking a girl to the reservoir.
Oh, all the papers say,
It’s a tragedy, but don’t you want to come and see?
Mister, we just want your car,
‘Cause we’re taking a girl to the reservoir.
Oh, all the papers say,
It’s a tragedy, but don’t you want to come and see?

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