Σαν σήμερα, 13 Φεβρουαρίου του 1950 γεννήθηκε ο Peter Gabriel, τραγουδιστής, συνθέτης, παραγωγός και o πιο δημιουργικός, μαζί με τον D. Bowie, performer της γενιάς του.
Ακούμε ένα κομμάτι από την εποχή του με τους Genesis [το The Chamber of 32 Doors, μουσική – στίχοι Gabriel, από το The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, 1974 είναι από τις πο σημαντικές συνεισφορές του στο songbook του κορυφαίου γκρουπ] και ένα τραγούδι από τη σόλο καριέρα του [Shock The Monkey – Peter Gabriel, 1982]
On this date, February 13, 1950, Peter Gabriel was born. Singer, composer, producer and, along with D. Bowie, the most innovative performer of his generation. Here is a track from his years with Genesis [The Chamber of 32 Doors, music – lyrics by Gabriel, from The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, 1974] and a song from his solo career [Shock The Monkey – Peter Gabriel, 1982]

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Ooops, i think you accidentally linked to Lyle May’s Ascent instead of Genesis The Chamber of 32 Doors. Both great songs….
Thanks a lot Trent!!! I just fixed it.
I like him way better now, than I did back then!
I guess I just didn’t get him, but I do know.
I must admit I’m not a huge fan of his solo career. But there are treasures undiscovered from his time in Genesis – a totally different group from the hit machine of the ’80s and the ’90s. Thank you Resa!