Θα ακούσουμε, όπως η περίσταση απαιτεί, αρκετή μουσική για εκκλησιαστικό όργανο στη διάρκεια της Μ. Εβδομάδας, έργα κυρίως τoυ Johann Sebastian Bach. Ξεκινάμε με δυο από τα 18 Χορωδιακά Πρελούδια της Λειψίας – ο όρος αφορά σε κομμάτια για όργανο βασισμένα σε χορωδιακά θέματα. Εικόνα ανοίγματος : το όργανο του J.S.B. στο Μουσείο Bach της Λειψίας.
We will hear, as the occasion requires, plenty of church organ music during Holy Week, works mainly by Johann Sebastian Bach. We start with two of the 18 Leipzig Choral Preludes – the term refers to pieces for organ based on choral themes. Opening picture : J.S.B.’s organ at the Bach Museum, Leipzig.
00:00 Nun Danket Alle Gott, BWV 657 03:35 Von Gott Will Ich Nicht Lassen BWV 658

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Long (long!) ago there was a classical music program on CBC and the host, Bob Kerr, was simply wonderful. From an article online:
He had a fondness for pipe organs, and dedicated each Thursday’s program to recordings of the world’s greatest pipe organs.
Neil Ritchie, who produced Off the Record for more than seven years, remembers Kerr’s love of the instrument.
“Organs were his particular passion and I believe his passion first came about from the organs themselves, the pipes and the keyboards,” said Ritchie.
“It was sort of a one-man crusade because there were always listeners who dreaded Thursdays,” Ritchie added.
To tell the truth, I also have an everlasting passion for organs, which comes directly from the sound! 😊 It is my favorite instrument by far. I seldom post organ stuff because I know people don’t like it.
I know this music, but from where? Thank you for featuring it!
These are renowned organ pieces by Bach!