Ένα ακόμα κομμάτι τελευταίας εσοδείας, προϊόν Δεκέμβρη ’24 και πρώτη σόλο ηχογράφησή μου για το νέο έτος. Εκ παραλλήλου, Θεού θέλοντος, μέσα στο 2025 θα ολοκληρώσουμε με τη Μαρίνα το επόμενο MK-O album – θα κυκλοφορήσει μέσω του blog.
Another recent track, a December 2024 product and first solo recording of mine for the new year.
In parallel, God willing, Marina and I will complete the next MK-O album within 2025 – it will be released through the blog.

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Wonderful piece of Piano playing .. And congratulations on the upcoming Album.. Look forward so much to hearing more.. 🙂 <3
Thank you very much Sue! Step-by-step I’m making the recording of new stuff my main activity. So, there’s plenty coming in the forthcoming days and months, God willing.
Excellent… 🙂 looking forward to it xx
Congratulations on your new piece! I enjoyed listening to it. I look forward to hearing more from the upcoming album.
Thank you very much Liz! These tracks have no relation with the ones of the album, they ‘re just the ones I feel the urge to record from the stuff I currently write. The album will be released sometime in 2025.
You’re welcome! Thank you for the clarification.
Wow! Love this, and look forward to the new album!