Ακυκλοφόρητο κομμάτι της rave περιόδου [middle ‘90s], στο πλαίσιο ενός κύκλου “undanceable” dance songs.
An unreleased track from the rave era [middle ‘90s] in the context of a series of “undanceable” dance songs.
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That was fun!
Although…. I was dancing in my chair, so…..
unsittable sitting music? 🙃
Well you can call it as you like, as long as you like it! 😊
The term “undanceable” is being used by some “aficionados” for stuff like this, referring to a complexity unfitting to a “proper” [ = monosyllabic] dance song.
Monosyllabic….. un-danceable…??
Whatever! I like it!
I meant a complexity unfitting to a proper dance song which, according to them, must be monosyllabic, meaning, based on one theme repeated “ad infinitum”.
…. no wonder certain drugs are popular.
It’s mind numbing. Of course, that’s just me.