Δυο αποσπάσματα από την πρώτη πράξη της όπερας ‘Μιθριδάτης, Βασιλιάς του Πόντου’ που ο Mozart συνέθεσε σε ηλικία 14 ετών. Ήταν η τέταρτη κατά σειρά, σε ένα σύνολο 22 έργων για τη σκηνή, που θα τον αναδείκνυαν σε ένα από τους μεγαλύτερους συνθέτες [και] στο πεδίο της όπερας – για ένα δείγμα γραφής από την πρώτη του, Απόλλων και Υάκινθος, που έγραψε στην ηλικία των 11, βλ. εδώ.
Ο κόντρα-τενόρος
Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian και ο βαριτενόρος Michael Spyres, ακούγονται στους ρόλους των Φαρνάκη και Μιθριδάτη αντίστοιχα.

Two excerpts from the first act of
‘Mitridate, Re Di Ponto’, an opera composed by Mozart at the age of 14. It was the fourth in a set of 22 plays for the stage, which would highlight him as one of the greatest composers [also] in the operatic field – for an excerpt from his first one, Apollo and Hyacinthus, which he wrote at the age of 11, check here.
Paul-Antoine Bénos-Djian and baritenor Michael Spyres, are being heard in the roles of Farnace and Mitridate respectively.

00:00 Venga pur, minacci e frema (Farnace) 06:31 Se di lauri il crine adorno (Mitridate)

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  1. Resa January 10, 2024 at 10:46 pm

    A genius. His music always has something pretty about it. Counter-tenor … that’s a man’s voice?

    1. Oannes January 10, 2024 at 11:01 pm

      Yes! It is the contemporary answer to the abolished “species” of castratos. In the baroque era, in the time of Mozart also, some of the roles in opera were sung by castratos. They are replaced today either by women or counter-tenors. A pioneer in this field, from the ’40s onwards was Alfred Deller – I’m gonna put a few songs performed by him, because he’s one of the great interpreters of the great great JOHN DOWLAND – he’s one of the January born.
      From today’s counter tenors the leading one is the exquisite Philippe Jaroussky – hear this :

      You won’t believe it, but I have in my possession the recordings of the last castrato on Earth, made in the early 1900s. Breathtaking stuff! I keep it for a special occasion.
      Thank you!

      1. Resa January 10, 2024 at 11:15 pm

        I learned about the castratos from you. Horrible practice, especially when some men have voices like Philippe. I had listened to it when you originally posted it, and was surprised to find out it was a man’s voice.
        Sometimes I have to learn things a couple of times before it sticks.
        SO, a counter tenor is always a man’s voice? There are no female counter tenors.
        I look forward to hearing John Dowland.
        One day I hope there is a special occasion and I will get to hear “the last castrato on Earth”!


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