Μέρα των Φώτων, ακούμε μουσική με θέμα το φως και τη θεία φώτιση. Σ’ αυτό το τραγούδι, ως πηγή του φωτός αυτοπροσδιορίζεται ο ίδιος ο ερμηνευτήςHoward Devoto. Από το κλασικό άλμπουμ – ντεμπούτο των Magazine.
On the day of Theophany we hear music about light and divine enlightenment. On this song, the performer is identifying himself as the source of light
. It’s Howard Devoto, from the classic Magazine’s debut album.

Time flies, time crawls
Like an insect up and down the walls
The light pours out of me
The light pours out of me
The conspiracy of silence ought
To revolutionize my thought
The light pours out of me
The light pours out of me
The cold light of day pours out of me
Leaving me black and so healthy
The light pours out of me
The light pours out of me
It jerks out of me like blood
In this still life, heart beats up love
The light pours out of me
The light pours out of me

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1 Comment

  1. Resa January 8, 2024 at 4:12 am

    Terrific song. if you didn’t have the date there I would have said it’s from the 60’s.


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