Listen Little Man!

First of all I’m not buying into any miraculous medicine or vaccine since there can’t be no cure for the flu save for some generic preventing measures such as healthy nutrition or avoiding being exposed to cold drafts – as everyone used to know before coronavirus microphobia took over our lives. Anyway, Covid-19 or whatever intimidating name they attach to it, is not even that: it’s a fictional pandemic that has no impact on total death rate whatsoever: the same number of people who died last year regardless of cause, well, accordingly keep doing so in the present year. The inflated numbers of coronavirus deaths in the western world (it’s a “first world problem” after all) are counterbalanced by the “declining” numbers of cancer, stroke, heart failure and the like that are currently being named after “coronavirus”. In fact, one has not even properly died nowadays had not that been for Covid-19.

That being said, even some fictional cure is good enough for some fictional disease of the mind as the one promoted by mainstream media. But no, this means that this holy mess could come to an end, people will breath poluted air again, return to their climate-hostile jobs and – who in their right mind would wish for that? It’s not a medical matter anymore, it’s a matter of political correctness and virtue signaling. Besides Trump could keep acting the president role, conspiracy theorists could prove themselves right and people could go wild with no deadly fear above their heads – so down with chloroquine, Russian vaccines and fearless scums and straight back to our televisions and masks!

Stefanos L. Bakatsis

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