Ένα από τα πολλά κομψοτεχνήματα που ο βρετανός ψυχεδελικός καλλιτέχνης έδωσε μέσα στη δεκαετία του ’80 ήταν αυτό, η μόνη “επιτυχία” του στο αμερικάνικο chart – από το άλμπουμ My Nation Underground, 1988.
One of the many jewels that the British psychedelic artist gave during the ‘80s was this, his only “hit” on the US chart – from the album
My Nation Underground, 1988.

And in my room, I’m alone in my room
And may staying here for just a while
And in my casket, I’m alone in my gloom
And may staying here for a while
Oh can’t you see, light is only in your eyes
Would I be guilty or would I be
The sound you bring is an antiquated thing
So please don’t look to me for guidance

Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand

My splendid art, oh my sad profession
Now stick with me and I’ll betray you
For should I lose my bad depression
My splendid art I will betray you

Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand

Haul me out of the water, haul me onto the land
Beneath the sky there is an open fire
I do understand

Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand

Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand
Charlotte Anne, I do understand

Charlotte Anne
Charlotte Anne
Charlotte Anne
Charlotte Anne
Charlotte Anne

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