Κατά την άποψή μου, η ιδιοφυία του Andrew Lloyd Webber αποδεικνύεται πέρα από κάθε αμφιβολία [σε πείσμα διάφορων …ατασθαλιών στη διάρκεια της καριέρας του] από αυτό το έργο που έγραψε με τον στιχουργό Tim Rice σε ηλικία 21 χρόνων…
Ακούμε τρία συγκλονιστικά αποσπάσματα, στην καλύτερη από τις εκτελέσεις που έχουν ηχογραφηθεί, φυσικά αυτή του soundtrack.
Η ερμηνεία του
Carl Anderson – Ιούδα είναι η σταγόνα που κάνει το [μνημειώδες] “Judas’ Death” να ξεχειλίσει.

In my opinion,
Andrew Lloyd Webber’s genius is certified beyond doubt [in spite of certain …aberrations during his career] by this work he wrote with lyricist Tim Rice at the age of 21.
We hear three spellbinding excerpts, from the best performance ever recorded, the one of the original soundtrack.
Carl Anderson’ s performance in particular [Judas] is the drop that makes the [monumental] “Judas’ Death” overflow.

00:00 Judas’ Death 04:41 Trial Before Pilate 11:31 Superstar

My God! I saw him, he looked three-quarters dead
And he was so bad I had to turn my head
You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame
And I don’t know who everybody’s gonna blame
I don’t believe he knows I acted for our good
I’d save him all this suffering if I could
Don’t believe, our good
Save him, if I could
Cut the confessions, forget the excuses
I don’t understand why you’re filled with remorse
All that you’ve said has come true with a vengeance
The mob turned against him, you backed the right horse
Christ! I know you can’t heal me
But I only did what you wanted me to
Christ! I’d sell out the nation
For I have been saddled with the murder of you
I have been spattered with innocent blood
I shall be dragged through the slime and the mud
I have been spattered with innocent blood
I shall be dragged through the slime and the slime
And the slime and the mud
I don’t know how to love him
I don’t know why he moves me
He’s a man, he’s just a man
He’s not a king, he’s just the same
As anyone I know
He scares me so
When he’s cold and dead, will he let me be?
Does he love, does he love me too?
Does he care for me?
My mind is in your hands now
My God, I am sick
I’ve been used
And you knew all the time
God! I’ll never ever know
Why you chose me for your crime
Your foul, bloody crime!
You have murdered me!
You have murdered me!
Murdered me, murdered me, murdered me
Murdered me, murdered me, murdered me…
Poor, old, Judas
So long, Judas
Poor, old, Judas
So long, Judas
Poor, old, Judas
So long, Judas
Poor, old, Judas
So long, Judas

And so the king is once again my guest.
And why is this? Was Herod unimpressed?
We turn to Rome to sentence Nazareth.
We have no law to put a man to death.
We need him crucified.
It’s all you have to do.
We need him crucified.
It’s all you have to do.
Talk to me Jesus Christ.
You have been brought here
Manacled, beaten by your own people.
Do you have the first idea why you deserve it?
Listen King of the Jews,
Where is your kingdom?
Look at me. Am I a Jew?
I have no kingdom in this world.
I’m through.
There may be a kingdom for me somewhere.
If you only knew.
Then you are a king?
It’s you that say I am.
I look for truth and find that I get damned.
But what is truth?
Is truth a changing law?
We both have truths.
Are mine the same as yours?
Crucify him! Crucify him!
What do you mean?
You’d crucify your king?
We have no king but Caesar!
He’s done no wrong.
No, not the slightest thing.
We have no king but Caesar!
Crucify him!
What is this new respect for Caesar?
‘Till now this has been noticeably lacking.
Who is this Jesus? Why is he different?
You choose Messiahs by the sack full.
We need him crucified,
It’s all you have to do.
We need him crucified,
It’s all you have to do.
Talk to me, Jesus Christ.
Look at your Jesus Christ.
I’ll agree he’s mad.
Ought to be locked up,
But that is not a reason to destroy him.
He’s a sad little man.
Not a King or God.
Not a thief,
I need a crime!
Crucify him!
Behold a man,
Behold your shattered King.
We have no King but Caesar.
You hypocrites,
You hate us more than him.
We have no King but Caesar,
Crucify him!
I see no reason. I find no evil.
This man is harmless, so why does he upset you?
He’s just misguided, thinks he’s important,
But to keep you vultures happy I shall flog him.
Crucify him! Crucify him!
Where are you from Jesus?
What do you want Jesus?
Tell me.
You’ve got to be careful.
You could be dead soon,
Could well be.
Why do you not speak when
I hold your life in my hands?
How can you stay quiet?
I don’t believe you understand.
You have nothing in your hands.
Any power you have, comes to you from far beyond.
Everything is fixed, and you can’t change it.
You’re a fool Jesus Christ.
How can I help you?
Pilate, Crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You have a duty
To keep the peace, so crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You’ll be demoted.
You’ll be deported. Crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You have a duty
To keep the peace, so crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You’ll be demoted.
You’ll be deported. Crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You have a duty
To keep the peace, so crucify him!
Remember Caesar.
You’ll be demoted.
You’ll be deported. Crucify him!
Don’t let me stop your great self-destruction.
Die if you want to, you misguided martyr.
I wash my hands of your demolition.
Die if you want to you innocent puppet!

Ev’ry time I look at you
I don’t understand
Why you let the things you did
Get so out of hand
You’d have managed better
If you’d had it planned
Now why’d you choose such a backward time
And such a strange land?
If you’d come today
You could have reached a whole nation
Israel in 4 BC
Had no mass communication
(Don’t you get me wrong)
Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong, now)
Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong)
Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong, now)
Don’t you get me wrong
Only want to know
(Only want to know, now)
Only want to know
(Only want to know)
Only want to know
(Only want to know, now)
Only want to know
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ
Do you think you’re what they say you are?
Jesus Christ
Do you think you’re what they say you are?
Tell me what you think
About your friends at the top
Now who d’you think besides yourself
Was the pick of the crop?
Buddah was he where it’s at?
Is he where you are?
Could Mahomet move a mountain
Or was that just PR?
Did you mean to die like that?
Was that a mistake or
Did you know your messy death
Would be a record breaker?
Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong, now) Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong) Don’t you get me wrong
(Don’t you get me wrong, now) Don’t you get me wrong
Only want to know
(Only want to know, now) Only want to know
(Only want to know) Only want to know
(Only want to know, now) I only want to know
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
Who are you? What have you sacrificed?
Jesus Christ
Do you think you’re what they say you are?
Jesus Christ
Do you think you’re what they say you are?

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  1. Timothy Price April 14, 2022 at 7:06 pm

    I remember when Jesus Christ Superstar came out. I saw the movie fist run as a teenager.

    1. Oannes April 14, 2022 at 9:38 pm

      I first saw it in the late ’70s. Didn’t like the movie, to tell the truth, to me it was all about the music.

      1. Timothy Price April 15, 2022 at 1:07 am

        I didn’t like the movie or a lot of the music. “I don’t Know How To Love Him” was a huge hit in the USA. I hated that song.

        1. Oannes April 15, 2022 at 11:22 am

          This one’s pathetic, I agree. And it’s pointing to the direction ALW would follow.

  2. Liz Gauffreau April 14, 2022 at 8:33 pm

    I remember this score very well. I must have listened to it hundreds of times when I was in high school.

  3. Ken Powell April 15, 2022 at 5:19 pm

    I have a love/hate relationship with LW. This one is firmly in the ‘hate’ category. It doesn’t know what it is – avant-garde or pop-rock. Joseph and Phantom both know exactly what they are. And Evita actually is a masterpiece I think. Jesus Christ just doesn’t get any of right I feel.

    Weirdly, I may be the only person who thought the movie version of Cats was brilliant. I think the fact it bombed was entirely because no one reads T S Eliot any longer and simply didn’t understand it. I think that’s very much to society’s loss quite frankly. Otherwise, the performances were just beautiful.

    1. Oannes April 15, 2022 at 5:36 pm

      It is pop – rock influenced by avant-garde and classical. If it was always “legit” for classical composers to be influenced by popular and traditional music, why not the opposite.
      I love Jesus Christ Superstar the same way I love progressive rock of the ’70s, stuff like Genesis [Gabriel era] Yes and King Crimson.

      1. Ken Powell April 17, 2022 at 5:22 pm

        There’s no problem with that but at least be consistent. LW is firmly part of the classical tradition so in a way he’s still ‘borrowing’ from pop culture but it feels hit and miss here. But you’re right, it’s very Genesis-like and, I suppose, not unlike Zappa too.

  4. Resa April 16, 2022 at 10:27 pm

    I remember this music. I only know the music. Never saw the play or movie.
    I’m actually more of a fan of “Hair”. music.
    King Crimson!!!! Now you’re talking! lolol!


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